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L' Alberta Autophage
Identités, mythes et discours du pétrole dans l'Ouest canadien
by (author) Dominique Perron

He Moved A Mountain
The Life of Frank Calder and the Nisga’a Land Claims Accord
by (author) Joan Harper

What's Going on at the Time Tonight
by (author)
Gerald Mercer
illustrated by
Holly DeWolf

Le Québec traduit en Espagne
Analyse sociologique de l’exportation d’une culture périphérique
by (author) María Sierra Córdoba Serrano

Louisbourg: Past, Present, Future
by (author) A.J.B. Johnston

A Dog for a Friend
by (author)
Marilynn Reynolds
illustrated by
Stephen McCallum

The Paradise Engine
by (author) Rebecca Campbell

Solidarités provinciales
Histoire de la Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Nouveau-Brunswick
by (author)
David Frank
translated by
Réjean Ouellette

Irish and Scottish Encounters with Indigenous Peoples
Canada, the United States, New Zealand, and Australia
by (author) Graeme Morton & David A. Wilson

The Copyright Pentalogy
How the Supreme Court of Canada Shook the Foundations of Canadian Copyright Law
edited by Michael Geist

Serious Leisure and Individuality
by (author) Elie Cohen-Gewerc & Robert A. Stebbins

Out and About in Victoria's Neighbourhoods
by (author)
Anny Scoones
illustrated by
Robert Amos

Dark Water Songs
by (author) Mary Lou Soutar-Hynes

Dans tous les sens du terme
edited by Jean Quirion, Loïc Depecker & Louis-Jean Rousseau

by (author) Devin Krukoff

Eat Your Heart Out
by (author) Katie Boland

Molly's Promise
by (author) Sylvia Olsen
by (author)
Lovern Kindzierski
illustrated by
John Bolton

Fault Lines
Greenland – Iceland – Faroe Islands
by (author) Nicolas Billon

La rationalité pénale moderne
Réflexions théoriques et explorations empiriques
edited by Richard Dube, Margarida Garcia & Maíra Rocha Machado

The Great Revenue Robbery
How to Stop the Tax Cut Scam and Save Canada
edited by
Richard Swift
as told by
Canadians for Tax Fairness

by (author) Claire Wilkshire

Massacre Street
by (author) Paul Zits

Danny, Who Fell in a Hole
by (author) Cary Fagan

Saying When
How to Quit Drinking or Cut Down
by (author) Martha Sanchez-Craig

Le trouble bipolaire
Guide d'information
by (author) Clinique du trouble bipolaire de CAMH

C'est Assez!
Comment arrêter de boire ou réduire votre consommation d’alcool
by (author) Martha Sanchez-Craig

Hiking Trails of New Brunswick, 3rd Edition
by (author) Marianne Eiselt & H.A. Eiselt

Trails of Halifax Regional Municipality, 2nd Edition
by (author) Michael Haynes

Hiking Trails of Cape Breton, 2nd Edition
by (author) Michael Haynes

Prairie Ostrich
by (author) Tamai Kobayashi

Measuring the Value of a Postsecondary Education
by (author) Ken Norrie & Mary Catharine Lennon