Buddy the Bluenose Reindeer
And the Christmas Dinner Rescue

The End of This World
Climate Justice in So-Called Canada

An Extraordinary Destiny

The Killer Trail

Newfoundland Modern
Architecture in the Smallwood Years, 1949-1972


a Post-Lucretian Faux Micro Epic

Borderlands and Crossroads
Writing the Motherland

Ethnography and Development
The Work of Richard F. Salisbury

Barcelona Red Metallic

Billie and Bean in the City

The best of the third decade of above/ground press: 2013–2023

Technology and National Competitiveness

The Crimes of Hector Tomas

Eat Your Heart Out

Tortoise Boy
A Chamber Play

Haunted Ground
Ghost Stories from the Rock

The Hardness of Matter and Water


Espace et communauté

Wolverine and Little Thunder
A Story of the First Canoe

Slow War

The Worst and Best of the Premiers and Some We Never Had
A Political Report Card

Stories of the Middle Space
Reading the Ethics in Postmodern Realisms

Music in Canada
Capturing Landscape and Diversity

The Hard-Place Boy

A Sales Tax for Alberta
Why and How

Different Kind of Care
The Social Pediatric Approach

Finlay's River

Mission Creep
