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La revanche parfaite
(Perfect Revenge)
by (author) K.L. Denman

Hoaxes and Hexes
Daring Deceptions and Mysterious Curses
by (author) Barbara Smith

Fondements des pratiques professionnelles des enseignants
edited by Philippe Maubant & Stéphane Martineau

Travel and Religion in Antiquity
edited by Philip A. Harland

Le système ontarien de services psychiatriques medico-légaux
Guide d'information
by (author) Shannon Bettridge & Howard Barbaree

Santa Rosa
by (author) Wendy McGrath

Des Écoles en mouvement
Inclusion d'élèves en situation de handicap ou éprouvant des difficultés à l'école
edited by Nathalie Bélanger & Hermann Duchesne

Torn from Troy
Odyssey of a Slave: Book 1
by (author) Patrick Bowman

My Life
by (author)
Sofia Andreevna Tolstaya
edited by
Andrew Donskov
translated by
John Woodsworth & Arkadi Klioutchanski

Sage Island
by (author) Samantha Warwick

Applied Research and Evaluation in Community Mental Health Services
An Update of Key Research Domains
by (author) Evelyn Vingilis & Stephen A. State

Rebel Women of the Gold Rush
Extraordinary Achievements and Daring Adventures
by (author) Rich Mole

The Wolves at Evelyn
Journeys through a Dark Century
by (author) Harold Rhenisch

The Story That Brought Me Here
To Alberta From Everywhere
edited by Linda Goyette

Sans masque
by (author)
Truda Rosenberg
translated by
Christine Klein-Lataud

Difficulty at the Beginning Book 1
by (author) Keith Maillard

Falling from Grace
by (author) Ann Eriksson

Difficulty at the Beginning Book 2
by (author) Keith Maillard

Popular Day Hikes 2
Canadian Rockies
by (author) Tony Daffern

A Journey to the Northern Ocean
by (author)
Samuel Hearne
foreword by
Ken McGoogan

Always Kiss the Corpse on Whidbey Island
by (author) Sandy Frances Duncan & George Szanto

Le Fédéralisme
Une introduction
by (author) George Anderson

Dictionnaire des écrits de l'Ontario français
edited by Gaétan Gervais & Jean-Pierre Pichette

Le VocabulAIDE
Influences de l'anglais – vraies et prétendues – et usages en transition
by (author) Pierre Cardinal

Philosophy, Neuroscience, and Consciousness
by (author) Rex Welshon

The Philosophy of Husserl
by (author) Burt C. Hopkins

Fort Chipewyan and the Shaping of Canadian History, 1788-1920s
"We like to be free in this country"
by (author) Patricia A. McCormack

The History of a Philosophy
by (author) Jeremy Dunham, Iain Hamilton Grant & Sean Watson

Lives of Aboriginal Women of the Canadian Northwest and Borderlands
edited by Sarah Carter & Patricia A. McCormack

Aboriginal Title and Indigenous Peoples
Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
edited by Louis A. Knafla & Haijo Westra

Le Dodécaèdre
ou Douze cadres à géométrie variable
by (author)
Paul Glennon
translated by
Marc Charron & Julie Stéphanie Normandin

Droits et voix - Rights and Voices
La criminologie à l'Université d'Ottawa - Criminology at the University of Ottawa
edited by Veronique Strimelle & Françoise Vanhamme