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Monuments to Faith

Ukrainian Churches in Manitoba

by (author) Basil Rotoff, Roman Yereniuk & Stella Hryniuk

Upper Ottawa Valley to 1855

by (author) Richard Reid

Bad Boy

by (author) Diana Wieler

Courtship, Love, and Marriage in Nineteenth-Century English Canada

by (author) Peter Ward

Syntactic Recoverability of Null Arguments

by (author) Yves Roberge

The Dévotes

Women and Church in Seventeenth-Century France

by (author) Elizabeth Rapley

Challenge of Arctic Shipping

Science, Environmental Assessment, and Human Values

by (author) David L. Vander-Zwaag & Cynthia Lamson

Champions of the Truth

Fundamentalism, Modernism, and the Maritime Baptists

by (author) George A. Rawlyk

Under Technology's Thumb

by (author) William Leiss


Stand-Up Comedy as Art, Business, and Life-Style

by (author) Robert A. Stebbins

Twentieth Century Theories of Art

by (author) James M. Thompson

Mephibosheth Stepsure Letters

by (author) Thomas McCulloch

Phonology, morphology, and classified word list for the Samish dialect of Straits Salish

by (author) Brent Douglas Galloway

Police Officer

by (author) Claude L. Vincent

A concise Nuxalk-English dictionary

by (author) H.F. Nater

Power and performance in Gros Ventre war expedition songs

by (author) Orin T. Hatton

Une Introduction à l'analyse du discours argumentatif

Des savoirs et savoir-faire fondamentaux

by (author) Vance Mendenhall

Aboriginal Peoples and Politics

The Indian Land Question in British Columbia, 1849-1989

by (author) Paul Tennant

Canada's Department of External Affairs, Volume 1

The Early Years, 1909-1946

by (author) John Hilliker

Swinburne and His Gods

The Roots and Growth of an Agnostic Poetry

by (author) Margot K. Louis

The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. II

edited by Roger R. Fowler

Ezzie's Emerald

by (author) Kathleen McDonnell

Iglulualumiut Prehistory

The Lost Inuit of Franklin Bay

by (author) David A. Morrison

Wheels for Walking

by (author) Sandra Richmond

Bliss Carman

A Reappraisal

edited by Gerald Lynch

Artifacts from "A coat of many colours :two centuries of Jewish life in Canada" / Objets de l'exposition "La tunique aux couleurs multiples : deux siècles de présence juive au Canada"

by (author) Sandra Morton Weizman

Tunique aux couleurs multiples

Deux siècles de présence juive au Canada

by (author) Irving Abella

Grammar Schools of Medieval England

A.F. Leach in Historiographical Perspective

by (author) John N. Miner

Letters to a Québécois Friend

by (author) Philip Resnick & Daniel Latouche

Antoinette de Mirecourt or Secret Marrying and Secret Sorrowing

by (author) Rosanna Leprohon & John C. Stockdale

Ahead of His Time

Wilhelm Pfeffer, Early Advances in Plant Biology

by (author) Erwin Bünning & Helmut Wilhelm Pfeffer

No Balm in Gilead

A Personal Retrospective of Mandate Days in Palestine

by (author) Sylva M. Gelber

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