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Showing 18241-18272 of 18955 results

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Ascription and Achievement

Studies in Mobility and Status Attainment in Canada

by (author) M. Boyd

U-Boats Against Canada

German Submarines in Canadian Waters

by (author) Michael L. Hadley

Aboriginal Peoples and the Law

by (author) Bradford Morse

Ethnolinguistic profile of the Canadian Metis

by (author) Patrick C. Douaud

Beothuk bark canoes

An analysis and comparative study

by (author) Ingeborg Marshall

Un médecin de campagne au XXe siècle

by (author) Pierre Dufour & Alain Larocque

Lots of stories

Maritime narratives from the Creighton Collection

by (author) Pauline Greenhill

The Thomas Chandler Haliburton Symposium

edited by Frank Tierney

Detailed inventory of the Barbeau Northwest Coast Files

by (author) John J. Cove

Distance and Duties

Determinants of Manufacturing in Australia and Canada

by (author) R.M. Conlon

Lithics and Livelihood

Stone Tool Technologies of Central and Southern Interior British Columbia

by (author) Martin Paul Robert Magne

Franklin Era in Canadian Arctic History, 1845-1859

edited by Patricia D. Sutherland

Interpretive contexts for traditional and current coast Tsimshian feasts

by (author) Margaret Seguin

Fiddle music in the Ottawa Valley

Dawson Girdwood

by (author) Carmelle Bégin

Preceramic Occupations Along the North Shore of Lake Ontario

by (author) Arthur C.B. Roberts

Red Earth Crees, 1860-1960

by (author) David Meyer & R. Gotthardt

1975 and 1978 Rescue Excavations at the Draper Site

Introduction and Settlement Patterns

by (author) William David Finlayson

The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. III

edited by Henry J. Stauffenberg

Médecine et religion populaires / Folk medicine and religion

edited by Pierre Crépeau

Calabrese folklore

by (author) Maria C. Augimeri

Paradoxes of Rationality and Cooperation

Prisoner's Dilemma and Newcomb's Problem

edited by Richmond Campbell & Lanning Sowden

Nothing but stars

Leaves from the immigrant saga

by (author) Magnus Einarsson

Proverbes haïtiens illustrés

by (author) Guerdy Préval

P'tit train va loin

Histoires de vie de trois cheminots

by (author) Madeleine Lemieux-Pépin

Charles-François Lirette

Pélerin-photographe d'Amérique

by (author) Réal Girard, Léandre Lirette & Jeanne Lirette-Charron


The Descent into God

by (author) Jeremy Walker

Music from Within

A Biography of the Composer S.C. Eckhardt-Gramatté

by (author) Ferdinand Eckhardt
edited by Gerald Bowler

Wild plant use by the Woods Cree (Nihithawak) of east-central Saskatchewan

by (author) Anna L. Leighton

George Whalley

Studies in Literature and the Humanities

by (author) George Whalley
edited by Brian Crick & John Ferns

The War Against the Seals

A History of the North American Seal Fishery

by (author) Briton Cooper Busch

Prairie Spirit

Perspectives on the Heritage of the United Church of Canada in the West

edited by Dennis L. Butcher, Catherine Macdonald, Margaret E. McPherson, Raymond R. Smith & A. McKibbin Watts

Canadian City

Essays in Urban and Social History

by (author) Gilbert Stelter

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