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Alain Robbe-Grillet
Balises pour le XXIe siècle
edited by Roger-Michel Allemand & Christian Milat

The Blind Bookkeeper (or Why Homer Must Be Blind) / Le comptable aveugle (l'Incontournable cécité d'Homère)
by (author) Alberto Manguel

Therefore Choose
by (author) Keith Oatley

Playing the Inside Out / Le jeu des apparences
by (author) David Adams Richards

Abode of Love
Growing Up in a Messianic Cult
by (author) Kate Barlow

Blunt Trauma
After the Fall of Flight 111
by (author) Ivy Bannister

The Age of Confession/L'Âge de la confession
by (author) Neil Bissoondath

a Post-Lucretian Faux Micro Epic
by (author) Michael Boughn

The Horn of Africa as Common Homeland
The State and Self-Determination in the Era of Heightened Globalization
by (author) Leenco Lata

A Karenina Companion
by (author) C.J.G. Turner

Society, the Sacred and Scripture in Ancient Judaism
A Sociology of Knowledge
by (author) Jack N. Lightstone

The Anglo-Saxons
Synthesis and Achievement
edited by J. Douglas Woods & David A.E. Pelteret

Averroës’ Doctrine of Immortality
A Matter of Controversy
by (author) Ovey N. Mohammed

Profiles of Anabaptist Women
Sixteenth-Century Reforming Pioneers
edited by C. Arnold Snyder & Linda A. Huebert Hecht

God’s Intention for Man
Essays in Christian Anthropology
by (author) William Fennell

Les Cultural Studies dans les mondes francophones
edited by Boulou Ebanda de B'béri

La Formation et le développement professionnel des enseignants en sciences, technologie et mathématiques
edited by Christine Couture & Liliane Dionne

Entre lieux et mémoire
L'inscription de la francophonie canadienne dans la durée
edited by Anne Gilbert, Michel Bock & Joseph-Yvon Thériault

Lire le monde
Les littératies multiples et l'éducation dans les communautés francophones
edited by Diana Masny

Gilles Paquet
Homo hereticus
edited by Caroline Andrew, Ruth Hubbard & Jeffrey Roy

D'un islam textuel vers un islam contextuel
La traduction du Coran et la construction de l'image de la femme
by (author) Naïma Dib

Enjeux contemporains de l'éducation scientifique et technologique
edited by Abdelkrim Hasni & Joël Lebeaume

Gouvernance et appropriation locale du développement
Au-delà des modèles importés
edited by Jacques Fisette & Marc Raffinot

Études sur la traduction de l'anglais
by (author)
G.M. de Rochmondet
introduction and notes by
Benoit Léger

From Desolation to Reconstruction
Iraq’s Troubled Journey
edited by Mokhtar Lamani & Bessma Momani

L' Université Laurentienne
Une histoire
by (author) Matt Bray

L'effet manga
(Manga Touch)
by (author) Jacqueline Pearce

Les Casse-Cous
(Daredevil Club)
by (author) Pam Withers

Frappee par la foudre
by (author) Deb Loughead

Is Our House in Order?
Canada'a Implementation of International Law
by (author) Chios Carmody

Lost Gospels
by (author) Lorri Neilsen Glenn

The Badger Confession
by (author) J.A. Ricketts