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Government of Edward Schreyer

Democratic Socialism in Manitoba

by (author) James McAllister

Artisan Republic

Revolution, Reaction, and Resistance in Lyon, 1848-1851

by (author) Mary Lynn Stewart

Taking Sex into Account

The Policy Consequences of Sexist Research

edited by Jill McCalla Vickers

Ravished by the Spirit

Religious Revivals, Baptists, and Henry Alline

by (author) George A. Rawlyk

Pisscat Songs

by (author) E.F. Dyck

Le messianisme de Louis Riel

by (author) Gilles Martel

Arctic Ordeal

The Journal of John Richardson, Surgeon-Naturalist with Franklin, 1820-1822

by (author) Stuart Houston

John Toland

His Methods, Manners, and Mind

by (author) Stephen H. Daniel

On Nights Like This

by (author) Marianne Bluger

The Martha Landscapes

by (author) Colleen Thibaudeau

Tragedy and After

by (author) E. Faas

Religion in Life at Louisbourg, 1713-1758

by (author) A. Johnston

Politics of Transport in Twentieth-Century France

by (author) Joseph Jones

Seigneurial System in Early Canada

A Geographical Study

by (author) Cole Harris

McGill University

For the Advancement of Learning, Volume II, 1895-1971

by (author) Stanley Brice Frost

Cultural Diversity and Canadian Education

Issues and Innovations

by (author) John Mallea

Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council of Canada


by (author) W.E. Knowles Middleton

Coalition Warfare

An Uneasy Accord

edited by Keith Neilson
by (author) Roy A. Prete

Canadian Inuit literature

The development of a tradition

by (author) Robin McGrath

Thesis and dissertation titles and abstracts on the anthropology of Canadian Indians, Inuit and Metis from Canadian universities

Report 1, 1970-1982

by (author) René R. Gadacz & Michael I. Asch

Historique du nouvel emplacement du Musée national de l'Homme à Hull

by (author) Francine Brouseau

Petrological Analysis of Kettle Point Chert and its Spatial and Temporal Distribution in Regional Prehistory

by (author) Scarlett Emilie Janusas

Micmac lexicon

by (author) Albert D. DeBlois & Alphonse Metallic

Bear Lake Athapaskan kinship and task group formation

by (author) Scott Rushforth

McIntyre Site

Archaeology, Subsistence and Environment

edited by Richard B. Johnston

Chemical Analysis of Prehistoric Human Bone from Five Temporally Distinct Populations in Southern Ontario

by (author) Mary Anne Katzenberg

Bella Coola language

by (author) H.F. Nater

Newfoundland mummers' Christmas house-visit

by (author) Margaret R. Robertson

CCFCS collection of musical instruments: Volume 3


by (author) Roy W. Gibbons

Pantagruel in Canada

by (author) Marius Barbeau

Diachronic Study of Dental Palaeopathology and Attritional Status of Prehistoric Ontario Pre-Iroquois and Iroquois Populations

by (author) J.R. Patterson & David Kingsnorth

Beckstead Site - 1977

by (author) James F. Pendergast

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