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Refine your selectionsSo we can remember
Showing family photographs
by (author) Pauline Greenhill
Bible and the plough
The lives of a Hutterite minister and a Mennonite farmer
by (author) Rolf Wilhelm Brednich
British Regulars in Montreal
An Imperial Garrison, 1832-1854
by (author) Elinor Kyte Senior
Judicial Administration in Canada
by (author) Perry S. Millar & Carl Baar
Right-Wing Authoritarianism
by (author) Bob Altemeyer
Introduction to the social history of Scots in Quebec (1780-1840)
by (author) Lynda Price
Changing economic roles for Micmac men and women
An ethnohistorical analysis
by (author) Ellice Becker Gonzalez
Un grand patron
Une biographie de Donald Gordon
by (author)
Joseph Schull
translated by
Luc Sicotte
Croix de chemin
Au-delà du signe
by (author) Paul Carpentier
Musique traditionnelle pour violon
Jean Carignan
by (author) Carmelle Bégin
Analyse linguistique et ethnocentrisme :essai sur la structure du mot en inuktitut
by (author) Ronald Lowe
Letters from a Young Emigrant in Manitoba
edited by
Ronald A. Wells
illustrated by
Norman Schmidt
A Historical Directory of Manitoba Newspapers, 1859–1978
by (author) D.M. (Donald Merwin) Loveridge
Canadian Foreign Policy, 1966-1976
Selected Speeches and Documents
by (author) Blanchette
Usable Urban Past Planning and Politics
by (author) Alan F.J. Artibise
Lorenzo Magalotti at the Court of Charles II
His Relazione d’Inghilterra of 1668
by (author) W.E. Knowles Middleton
Limits of Loyalty
edited by Edgar Denton III
Federalism, Bureaucracy, and Public Policy
by (author) Richard J. Schultz
Ethnic Organizational Dynamics
The Polish Group in Canada
by (author) Henry Radecki
Trappers of Patuanak
Toward a spatial ecology of modern hunters
by (author) Robert Jarvenpa
Inuit language in southern Labrador from 1694-1785 / La langue inuit au Sud du Labrador de 1964 à 1785
by (author) Louis-Jacques Dorais
Selected Canadian spinning wheels in perspective
An analytical approach
by (author) Judith Buxton-Keenlyside
Folk music in a Newfoundland outport
by (author) Gordon Sidney Allister Cox
Persistent ceremonialism: the Plains Cree and Saulteaux
by (author) Koozma J. Tarasoff
Hare Indians and their world
by (author) Hiroko S. Hara
Cultural Responses to Altithermal (Atlantic) Climate Along the Eastern Margins of the North American Grasslands: 5500 to 3000 B.C.
by (author) Anthony P. Buchner
Algonquin ethnobotany
An interpretation of aboriginal adaptation in Southwestern Quebec
by (author) Meredith Jean Black
Archaeological Survey of Canada Annual Reviews, 1977-1979
edited by Roger J.M. Marois
Economic and Social History of Quebec, 1760-1850
Structures and Conjonctures
by (author)
Fernand Ouellet
preface by
Robert Mandrou
North Wakashan comparative root list
edited by
Neville J. Lincoln
by (author)
John C. Rath
The Redistribution of Income in Canada
by (author) W. Irwin Gillespie
The Last of the Free Enterprisers
The Oilmen of Calgary
by (author) J.D. House