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La région de Trois-Rivières
by (author) Roger J.M. Marois & René Ribes
Canadian Indians and the Law
Selected Documents, 1663-1972
edited by Derek G. Smith
Archaeological Salvage Projects, 1974
by (author) Roscoe Wilmeth
Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies annual review 1974
edited by G.W. Maclennan
Koniag-Pacific Eskimo Bibliography
by (author) Donald Woodforde Clark
In Search of Jerusalem
Religion and Ethics in the Writings of A.M. Klein
by (author) Gretl K. Fischer
Contributions to Canadian ethnology, 1975
edited by David Brez Carlisle
A contextual study of the Caribou Eskimo kayak
by (author) Eugene Yuji Arima
Proceedings: Northern Athapaskan Conference, 1971: Volume 2
edited by Annette McFadyen Clark
Canadian War Museum: annual review 1974
edited by Lee Murray
Un ferblantier de campagne (1875-1950)
by (author) Jean-Pierre Hardy
Chaucer, Spenser, Milton
Mythopoeic Continuities and Transformations
by (author) A. Kent Hieatt
Letters from the Grand Tour
by (author)
Joseph Spence
edited by
Slava Klima
Divided Loyalties
Canadian Concepts of Federalism
by (author) Edwin R. Black
The Government Policy of Protector Somerset
by (author) M.L. Bush
International Crisis
The Outbreak of World War I
by (author) Eugenia V. Nomikos & Robert C. North
Tinkers and Travellers
by (author)
Sharon Gmelch
photographs by
Pat Langan & George Gmelch
Boris Pil'niak
A Soviet Writer in Conflict with the State
by (author) Vera T. Reck
The Life of Themistocles
A Critical Survey of the Literary and Archaeological Evidence
by (author) A.J. Podlecki
Fertility and Family Planning in a Canadian Metropolis
by (author) T.R. Balakrishnan, J.F. Kantner & J.D. Allingham
Strange Contrarieties
Pascal in England During the Age of Reason
by (author) John Barker
Image of the Indian
by (author) Ronald Haycock
The Moyer Site
A Pre-Historic Village in Waterloo County
by (author) Norman E. Wagner, Lawrence E. Toombs & Eduard R. Riegert
Old Age Pensions and Policy-Making in Canada
by (author) K. Bryden
Supreme Fictions
by (author) B. John
The Enterprising Admiral
by (author) J. Gwyn
Mackenzie Pipeline
by (author) Peter Pearse
Native Peoples of Atlantic Canada
A History of Indian-European Relations
by (author) H.F. McGee
Beyond the Atlantic Roar
A Study of the Nova Scotia Scots
by (author) D. Campbell
Capital Formation in Canada, 1896-1930
by (author) Kenneth Buckley
The Crisis of Quebec, 1914-1918
by (author) Elizabeth Armstrong
Continental Community?
Independence and Integration in North America
edited by Andrew Axline