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A Different Drummer

Readings in Anthropology with a Canadian Perspective

by (author) Bruce Alden Cox

Irish Migrants in the Canadas

A New Approach

by (author) Bruce S. Elliott

Lion, the Eagle, and Upper Canada

A Developing Colonial Ideology

by (author) Elizabeth Jane Errington

Angel Square

by (author) Brian Doyle

John Clare and the Bounds of Circumstance

by (author) Johanne Clare


by (author) A.R. Kazuk


by (author) Colin Browne

Gathering Wild

by (author) Marianne Bluger

Welfare State and Canadian Federalism

by (author) Keith Banting

Politics of the Northwest Passage

by (author) Franklin Griffiths

Symbols in Life and Art

by (author) James A. Leith

Louis XV's Navy, 1748-1762

A Study of Organization and Administration

by (author) James Pritchard

Hugh MacDiarmid

The Poetry of Self

by (author) John Baglow

Language, Schooling, and Cultural Conflict

The Origins of the French-Language Controversy in Ontario

by (author) Chad Gaffield

Tales Until Dawn

The World of a Cape Breton Gaelic Story-Teller

by (author) Joe Neil MacNeil & John Shaw

MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion

The Canadian Contingent in the Spanish Civil War

by (author) Victor Howard

Putting the Charter to Work

Designing a Constitutional Labour Code

by (author) David M. Beatty

Land, Settlement, and Politics on Eighteenth-Century Prince Edward Island

by (author) J. Bumsted

Leading Constitutional Decisions

by (author) Peter H. Russell

Sport and Politics in Canada

by (author) Donald Macintosh

Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand

The Traditional European Records, 1820

edited by Glynn Barratt

Continuity and Change Among Canadian Mennonite Brethren

by (author) Peter M. Hamm

Consent, Coercion, and Limit

The Medieval Origins of Parliamentary Democracy

by (author) Arthur P. Monahan

Women's Struggle for Higher Education in Russia, 1855-1900

by (author) Christine Johanson

Planting the Garden

An Annotated Archival Bibliography of the History of Women in Manitoba

by (author) Mary Kinnear & Vera Fast

Archaeological Reconnaissance at Great Bear Lake

by (author) Donald Woodforde Clark

Marius Barbeau's photographic collection

The Nass River

edited by Linda Riley


by (author) David Sharpe

Future Indicative

Literary Theory and Canadian Literature

edited by John Moss

Measure of Canadian Society, The

Education, Equality and Opportunity

by (author) John Porter

Inuit kayaks in Canada

A review of historical records and construction, based mainly on the Canadian Museum of Civilization's collection

by (author) Eugene Yuji Arima

Tuscarora legacy of J.N.B. Hewitt / J.N.B. Hewitt wa ekhiríhwaye O skarùre: Volume 1

Materials for the study of the Tuscarora language and culture / Yerihetyá khwa ha uwe teh tíhsne urihwakà ye skarù re

by (author) Blair A. Rudes & Dorothy Crouse

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