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In Search of Political Stability

by (author) E. Aunger

George-Etienne Cartier

Montreal Bourgeois

by (author) Brian Young

Soren Kierkegaard’s Psychology

by (author) Med Ib Ostenfeld

The Scruffy Scoundrels

(Gli Straccioni)

by (author) Annibal Caro
translated by Massimo Ciavolella & Donald Beecher

Federal-Provincial Collaboration

by (author) Donald J. Savoie

The King of Bean

by (author) Brent MacKay

Radar Development in Canada

The Radio Branch of the National Research Council of Canada 1939-46

by (author) W.E. Knowles Middleton

Wilderness and storytelling

by (author) Lindsay Staples

Practical Heiltsuk-English dictionary with a grammatical introduction: Volume 2

by (author) John C. Rath

Croix de chemin

Au-delà du signe

by (author) Paul Carpentier

Musique traditionnelle pour violon

Jean Carignan

by (author) Carmelle Bégin

Analyse linguistique et ethnocentrisme :essai sur la structure du mot en inuktitut

by (author) Ronald Lowe

Folk fiddling in Canada

A sampling

by (author) Roy W. Gibbons

So we can remember

Showing family photographs

by (author) Pauline Greenhill

Clyde Inuit adaptation and ecology :the organization of subsistence

by (author) George W. Wenzel

A Historical Directory of Manitoba Newspapers, 1859–1978

by (author) D.M. (Donald Merwin) Loveridge

History of Atlantic Canada

Museum interpretations

edited by Peter E. Rider

Three stories in Oneida

edited by Karin Michelson
edited and translated by Georgina Nicholas

Bible and the plough

The lives of a Hutterite minister and a Mennonite farmer

by (author) Rolf Wilhelm Brednich

Un grand patron

Une biographie de Donald Gordon

by (author) Joseph Schull
translated by Luc Sicotte

Walker Site — The Hamilton Site: A Late Historic Neutral Town

by (author) Milton J. Wright & Paul A. Lennox

Dorset Occupations in the Vicinity of Port Refuge, High Arctic Canada

by (author) Robert McGhee

Sources for the ethnography of northeastern North America to 1611

by (author) David B. Quinn

Examination of Prehistoric Copper Technology and Copper Sources in Western Arctic and Subarctic North America

by (author) U.M. Franklin, E. Badone, R. Gotthardt & Brian Willard David Yorga

Canadian Ethnology Society: Papers from the sixth annual congress, 1979

edited by Marie-Françoise Guédon & D.G. Hatt

Letters from a Young Emigrant in Manitoba

edited by Ronald A. Wells
illustrated by Norman Schmidt

Changing economic roles for Micmac men and women

An ethnohistorical analysis

by (author) Ellice Becker Gonzalez

Practical Heiltsuk-English dictionary with a grammatical introduction: Volume 1

by (author) John C. Rath

Identity of the Saint Francis Indians

by (author) Gordon M. Day

Lagoon Site (OjRI-3)

Implications for Paleoeskimo Interactions

by (author) Charles D. Arnold


A Thule Culture Site on Bathurst Island, Northwest Territories, Canada

by (author) William Ewart Taylor & Robert McGhee

Contributions to Physical Anthropology, 1978-1980

edited by Jerome S. Cybulski

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