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Agricultural Economy of Manitoba Hutterite Colonies

by (author) John Ryan

Canadian Foreign Policy, 1955-1965

Selected Speeches and Documents

by (author) Blanchette

Archaeology and Ethnohistory in the Arrow Lakes, Southeastern British Columbia

by (author) Christopher J. Turnbull

Mercenaries for the Crimea

The German, Swiss, and Italian Legions in British Service, 1854-1856

by (author) C.C. Bayley

Oil in the People's Republic of China

Industry Structure, Production, Exports

by (author) Wolfgang Bartke

Some grammatical aspects of Labrador Inuttut (Eskimo)

A survey of the inflectional paradigms of nouns and verbs

by (author) Lawrence R. Smith

Faulkner's Women

The Myth and the Muse

by (author) David Williams

Saugeen Culture: Volume 2

A Middle Woodland Manifestation in Southwestern Ontario

by (author) William David Finlayson

The Victorian Army at Home

The Recruitment and Terms and Conditions of the British Regular, 1859-1899

by (author) Alan Ramsay Skelley

Finnish sauna in Manitoba

by (author) Charles M. Sutyla

Estuary Bison Pound Site in Southwestern Saskatchewan

by (author) Gary F. Adams

Kalderas in eastern Canada

by (author) Matt T. Salo & Sheila M.G. Salo

Saugeen Culture: Volume 1

A Middle Woodland Manifestation in Southwestern Ontario

by (author) William David Finlayson

Archaeological Survey of Canada: Annual Review 1975 and 1976

edited by George F. MacDonald

practical writing system and short dictionary of Kwakw'ala (Kwakiutl)

by (author) David McC Grubb

Keynesian Economics

by (author) Mabel F. Timlin
contributions by A.E. Safarian

Traditional Doukhobor folkways

An ethnographic and biographic record of prescribed behaviour

by (author) Koozma J. Tarasoff

Canadian Population Trends and Public Policy Through the 1980s

by (author) Leroy O. Stone & Claude Marceau

Material history bulletin no. 2 / Bulletin d'histoire de la culture matérielle no 2

edited by Robb Watt & Barbara Riley

Models for Deriving Cultural Information from Stone Tools

by (author) Robson Bonnichsen

Thule Eskimo Prehistory along Northwestern Hudson Bay

by (author) Allen Papin McCartney

Beothuck Archaeology in Bonavista Bay

by (author) Paul Carignan

Skeletal Biology of Archaic Populations of the Great Lakes Region

by (author) Susan Pfeiffer

Refinement of Some Aspects of Huron Ceramic Analysis

by (author) Peter George Ramsden

Individual in northern Dene thought and communication

A study in sharing and diversity

by (author) Jane Christian & Peter M. Gardner

Llyod George and Foreign Policy

The Education of a Statesman, 1890-1916, Vol. 1

by (author) Michael G. Fry

Tanzanian Doctor

by (author) Leader Stirling
introduction by Julius Nyerre

A Hundred Years Eating

Food, Drink, and the Daily Diet in Britain Since the Late Nineteenth Century

by (author) James P. Johnston

John Ford

Baroque English Dramatist

by (author) Ronald Huebert

The Canadian House of Commons

Procedure and Reform

by (author) John B. Stewart

The E.J. Pratt Symposium

edited by Glenn Clever

Pre-Dorset Settlements at the Seahorse Gully Site

by (author) David A. Meyer

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