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Showing 19489-19520 of 19814 results

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West Coast logging, 1840-1910

by (author) Mary Shakespeare & Rodney H. Pain

The Frontier and Canadian Letters

by (author) Wilfrid Eggleston
introduction by D.O. Spettigue

Romanians of Saskatchewan

Four generations of adaptation

by (author) George James Patterson

The Doukhobors

by (author) George Woodcock & Ivan Avakumovic

Princess Point Complex

by (author) David Marvyn Stothers

The Eternal Slum

Housing and Social Policy in Victorian London

by (author) Anthony S. Wohl

Quest for an American Sociology

Robert E. Park and the Chicago School

by (author) Fred H. Matthews

Northern Sphinx

Iceland and the Icelanders from the Settlement to the Present

by (author) Sigurdur A. Magnusson

Experience and Identity

Birmingham and the West Midlands, 1760-1800

by (author) John Money

Hahanudan Lake

An Ipiutak-Related Occupation of Western Interior Alaska

by (author) Donald Woodforde Clark

Mennonite folklife and folklore

A preliminary report

by (author) Rolf Wilhelm Brednich

Anatomy of the Spy Thriller


by (author) Bruce Merry

Majorville Cairn and Medicine Wheel Site, Alberta

by (author) James M. Calder

Harder Site

A Middle Period Bison Hunters’ Campsite in the Northern Great Plains

by (author) Ian G. Dyck

The Reluctant Europeans

The Attitudes of the Nordic Countries towards European Integration

by (author) Toivo Miljan


The structure of social relations in a northern Algonkian band

by (author) David H. Turner & Paul Wertman

Intérieurs domestiques des menuisiers et charpentiers de la région de Québec, 1810-1819

by (author) Jacques Bernier

Homosexuality and Literature


by (author) Jeffrey Meyers

Social Security and National Policy

Sweden, Yugoslavia, Japan

by (author) David E. Woodsworth

Anarchism in France

The Case of Octave Mirbeau

by (author) Reg Carr

Development of Caribou Eskimo Culture

by (author) Brenda L. Clark

Poems Only a Dog Could Love

by (author) John B. Lee

Reflections on Values Education

edited by John R. Meyer

To Preserve & Defend

by (author) G. Tulchinsky

Vita Laudanda

Essays in Memory of Ulrich S. Leupold

by (author) Erich R.W. Schultz

Historical Essays on British Columbia

by (author) J. Friesen

Canadian-American Summit Diplomacy, 1923-1973

Selected Speeches and Documents

by (author) Roger F. Swanson

Railway Game

by (author) Julius Lukasiewicz

Capital Punishment in Canada

by (author) David Chandler

Canadian-American Industry

by (author) Herbert Marshall, Kenneth W. Taylor & Frank Southard

Political Corruption in Canada

Cases, Causes and Cures

by (author) Kenneth Gibbons

Material history bulletin no. 1 / Bulletin d'histoire de la culture matérielle no 1

edited by Robb Watt & Barbara Riley

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