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Showing 1953-1984 of 2531 results

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Writing the West Coast

edited by Christine Lowther

More Than a Mountain

One Woman's Everest

by (author) T.A. Loeffler

A Week of This

a novel in seven days

by (author) Nathan Whitlock

The Sentinel

by (author) A.F. Moritz

Rebel Without Borders

Frontline Missions in Africa and the Gulf

by (author) Marc Vachon
preface by Jean-Christophe Rufin
with François Bugingo
translated by Charles Phillips

Guide à l’intention des familles sur les troubles concomitants

by (author) Caroline O'Grady & W.J. Wayne Skinner

Troubles concomitants et problèmes liés à l’usage de substances et aux jeua de hasard et d'argent en Ontario

Guide pour les professionnels aidants

by (author) CAMH

From Cohen to Carson

The Poet's Novel in Canada

by (author) Ian Rae

Music in Canada

Capturing Landscape and Diversity

by (author) Elaine Keillor

Improving Our Response to Older Adults with Substance Use, Mental Health and Gambling Problems

A Guide for Supervisors, Managers and Clinical Staff

by (author) C.A.M.H. Healthy Aging Project
foreword by Benoit Mulsant

Outrider of Empire

The Life and Adventures of Roger Pocock

by (author) Geoffrey A. Pocock

The Betrayal of Africa

A Groundwork Guide

by (author) Gerald Caplan
series edited by Jane Springer

Northern Rover

The Life Story of Olaf Hanson

by (author) A.L. Karras
with Olaf Hanson


by (author) Jeff Rud

Transatlantic Subjects

Ideas, Institutions, and Social Experience in Post-Revolutionary British North America

by (author) Nancy Christie

Imagining Head Smashed In

Aboriginal Buffalo Hunting on the Northern Plains

by (author) Jack W. Brink

Démocratie, idéologie, socialité

Autour de l'oeuvre de Roberto Miguelez

edited by Marie-Blanche Tahon

Spirit Engine

by (author) John Donlan

Weasel Tail

by (author) Michael Ross

Transboundary Policy Challenges in the Pacific Border Regions of North America

edited by J.C. Day & James Loucky
contributions by Donald K. Alper, James Jouckey, Christobal Mendoza, Alejandro Diaz-Bautista, Krista Martinez, Preston L. Schiller, David A. Fraser, K.S. Calbick, Jose Luis Castro-Ruiz, Vincente Sanchez-Munguia, Emma Spencer Norman, Jean O. Melious, Duncan Knowler, Peter Williams, Salvador Garcia-Martinez, John M. Munro, Warren G. Gill, Hugh O'Reilly, Tina Symko, Martin Medina & John C. Miles

Return of Caribou to Ungava

by (author) A.T. Bergerud, Stuart N. Luttich & Lodewijk Camps

Vulcans, Earthlings and Marketing ROI

Getting Finance, Marketing and Advertising onto the Same Planet

by (author) David Rutherford & Jonathan Knowles

The Stone Face

by (author) Sherry MacDonald

Problématiques identitaires et discours de l'exil dans les littératures francophones

edited by Anissa Talahite-Moodley

The Big Red Machine

How the Liberal Party Dominates Canadian Politics

by (author) Stephen Clarkson

Palace of the End

by (author) Judith Thompson

A Bookman's Catalogue Vol. 2 M-End

The Norman Colbeck Collection of Nineteenth-Century and Edwardian Poetry and Belles Lettres

edited by T. Bose & R.N. Colbeck

Birds of the Yukon Territory

edited by Pamela H. Sinclair, Wendy A. Nixon, Cameron D. Eckert & Nancy L. Hughes

Finding Lost - Season Three

The Unofficial Guide

by (author) Nikki Stafford

No-Nonsense Guide to Sexual Diversity, 2nd edition

by (author) Vanessa Baird

No-Nonsense Guide to International Development, 2nd Edition

by (author) Maggie Black

No-Nonsense Guide To World Poverty, 2nd Edition

by (author) Jeremy Seabrook

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