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Treaty Talks in British Columbia, Second Edition
Negotiating a Mutually Beneficial Future
by (author) Christopher McKee

Le Père des pauvres
Paul Dubé, Médecin à Montargis au XVIIe siècle
by (author) Jean-Claude Dube

Relocating Middle Powers
Australia and Canada in a Changing World Order
by (author) Andrew F. Cooper, Richard A. Higgott & Kim R. Nossal

Vancouver Past
Essays in Social History
edited by Robert A.J. McDonald

Pulpy and Midge
by (author) Jessica Westhead

British Columbia Place Names
Third Edition
by (author) G.P. (Philip) V. Akrigg & Helen Akrigg

A White Man's Province
British Columbia Politicians and Chinese and Japanese Immigrants 1858-1914
by (author) Patricia E. Roy

The Violin/A Child's Testimony
by (author) Rachel Shtibel & Adam Shtibel

The Prairie West as Promised Land
contributions by Doug Owram, R. Douglas Francis, Chris Kitzan, Laurence Kitzan, Matthew Wrangler, David Hall, Sarah Carter, Anthony W. Rasporich, Bill Waiser, Randi Warne, Bradford J. Rennie, Catherine A. Cavanaugh, Steve Hewitt, George Melnyk, Michael Fedyk & Brett Fairbairn

New Readings of Yiddish Montreal - Traduire le Montréal yiddish
edited by Pierre Anctil, Norman Ravvin & Sherry Simon

Recherche en éducation en milieu minoritaire francophone
edited by Yves Herry & Catherine Mougeot

Les Compétences professionnelles en enseignement et leur évaluation
edited by Louise Bélair, Dany Laveault & Christine Lebel

How Canadians Communicate, Vol. 2
Media, Globalization and Identity
contributions by
David Taras, Kenneth J. Goldstein, Richard Schultz, Christopher Dornan, Maria Bakardjieva, Bart Beaty, Rebecca Sullivan, Marc Raboy, Michael Keren, Richard Sutherland, Will Straw, Stephen Kline, Graham Longford, Sheryl N. Hamilton, Frits Panekoek, Helen Clark, Andrew Waller & David Mitchell
edited by
Frits Pannekoek

The Blue Mountains and Other Gaelic Stories from Cape Breton
Na Beanntaichean Gorma agus Sgeulachdan Eile à Ceap Breatainn
by (author) John Shaw

National Wrestling Alliance
The Untold Story of the Monopoly that Strangled Professional Wrestling
by (author) Tim Hornbaker

The Last Voyage of the Karluk
Shipwreck and Rescue in the Arctic
by (author) Captain Robert A. Bartlett

Pictorial Illusionism
The Theatre of Steele MacKaye
by (author) J.A. Sokalski

Le Cerveau nomade
by (author) Michelle Bourassa

Notebook of Roses and Civilization
by (author)
Nicole Brossard
translated by
Robert Majzels

Poser les bonnes questions 2
Parler avec les clients de leur orientation et de leur identité sexuelles dans les établissements de santé mentale, de traitement de la toxicomanie et les cabinets de counseling
by (author) Angela M. Barbara & Gloria Chaim

Ce que les parents doivent savoir sur leurs adolescents
Faits, mythes et strategies
by (author) David A. Wolfe

Asking the Right Questions 2
Talking about sexual orientation and gender identity in mental health, counselling and addiction settings
by (author) Angela M. Barbara & Gloria Chaim

What Parents Need to Know about Teens
Facts, Myths and Strategies
by (author) David A. Wolfe

Unfitting Stories
Narrative Approaches to Disease, Disability, and Trauma
edited by Valerie Raoul, Connie Canam, Angela D. Henderson & Carla Paterson

The Girls Who Saw Everything
by (author) Sean Dixon

Fous, prodigues et ivrognes
Familles et déviance à Montréal au XIXe siècle
by (author) Thierry Nootens

Acting Out
Understanding and Reducing Aggressive Behaviour in Children and Youth
edited by David A. Wolfe

by (author)
Wendy A. Lewis
illustrated by
Graham Ross

Les Littératies
Perspectives linguistique, familiale et culturelle
edited by Anne-Marie Dionne & Marie Josée Berger

Death Drive Through Gaia Paris
by (author) Charles Noble

A History of the Old Icelandic Commonwealth
Islendinga Saga
by (author)
Jon Johannesson
translated by
Haraldur Bessason

Vestiges de l'indiscipline
Environnements d'art et anarchitectures
by (author) Valérie Rousseau