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Showing 2145-2176 of 2528 results

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La Gouvernance du système de santé canadien

edited by Gregory P. Marchildon, Tom McIntosh & Pierre-Gerlier Forest

Femmes et politiques

L'état en mutation

edited by Dominique Masson

Roch Carrier

Aimer la vie, conjurer la mort

by (author) Gilles Dorion

Trajectoires culturelles transaméricaines

Médias, publicité, littérature et mondialisation

by (author) Patrick Imbert

La Gouvernance linguistique

Le Canada en perspective

edited by Jean-Pierre Wallot

Pensée, idéologie et politique

Mélanges offerts à André Vachet

edited by Gilles Labelle & François Houle

Whadoo tehmi / Long-ago people's packsack

Dene babiche bags: tradition and revival

by (author) Suzan Marie & Judy Thompson

De Paris à Nuremberg

Naissance de l'interpretation de conférence

by (author) Jesús Baigorri Jalón
translated by Clara Foz

Emotional and Interpersonal Dimensions of Health Services

Enriching the Art of Care with the Science of Care

by (author) Laurette Dubé, Guylaine Ferland & 0. Moskowitz


The Very Worst of Professional Wrestling

by (author) Randy Reynolds & R.D. Reynolds

Salvage King, Ya!

A Herky-Jerky Picaresque

by (author) Mark Anthony Jarman

Writing Grief

Margaret Laurence and the Work of Mourning

by (author) Christian Riegel

Island Doctor

John Mackieson and Medicine in Nineteenth-Century Prince Edward Island

by (author) David A.E. Shephard

Development of the Idea of History in Antiquity

by (author) Gerald A. Press

Boy O'Boy

by (author) Brian Doyle

Ontario Cancer Institute

Successes and Reverses at Sherbourne Street

by (author) Ernest A. McCulloch

Une mort très digne

L'histoire du Cimetière Mont-Royal

by (author) Brian Young

Muinjij Becomes a Man

by (author) Saqamaw Misel Joe

Protegér la démocratie canadienne

Le Senat, en vérité …

by (author) Serge Joyal

Canadian Federalist Experiment

From Defiant Monarchy to Reluctant Republic

by (author) Frederick Vaughan

St Mary's

The History of a London Teaching Hospital

by (author) E.A. Heaman

The Blue Books

by (author) Nicole Brossard

Entretien à la méthadone : Guide de traitement à l’intention des conseillers

Guide de traitement à l’intention des conseillers

by (author) Garth Martin & Bruna Brands

Protected Areas and the Regional Planning Imperative in North America

contributions by J.G. Nelson, J.C. Day, Lucy Sportza, Carlos Israel Vasquez, James Loucky, Kevin McNamee, Scott Brennan, John C. Miles, Bruce A.B. Currie-Alder, Christopher Gosselin, Graham Forbes, Stephen Woodley, Bill Freedman, Patrick Lawrence, Heather Black, Kenneth W. Cox, Sabine Jessen, Natalie Ban, Marvin O. Jensen, Steve Gatewood, Christopher E. Williams, Exequiel M. Ezcurra, Roberto Martinez, Ileana Espejel, Noel Aron Fuentes, Gustavo Danemann, Lina Ojeda Revah, Ella Vazquez-Dominguez, Alejando Robles, Hans Hermann, Jurgen Hoth, David Gauthier & Ed Wiken
edited by J. Gordon Nelson, J. Chadwick Day, Lucy M. Sportza & Carlos Vasquez

Methadone Maintenance: A Counsellor's Guide to Treatment

A Counsellor's Guide to Treatment, 2nd Edition

by (author) Garth Martin & Bruna Brands

Défis et décisions

Trouver des services de santé mentale en Ontario

by (author) CAMH - Le Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentale

Integrating School and Workplace Learning in Canada

Principles and Practices of Alternation Education and Training

by (author) Hans G. Schuetze & Robert Sweet

Clerical Ideology in a Revolutionary Age

The Guadalajara Church and the Idea of the Mexican Nation, 1788-1853

by (author) Brian F. Connaughton
translated by Mark A. Healey

Sociologie des rapports de sexe

by (author) Marie-Blanche Tahon

La traduction raisonnée, Livre du maître 2e édition

by (author) Jean Delisle

Courrier est arrivé

La poste rurale au Canada de 1880 à 1945

by (author) Chantal Amyot & John Willis

La Formation à la traduction professionnelle

edited by Geneviève Mareschale, Louise Brunette & Zélie Guével
by (author) Egan Valentine

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