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Les Inventeurs de dictionnaires

De l'eduba des scribes mésopotamiens au scriptorium des moines médiévaux

by (author) Jean-Claude Boulanger

No Problem

by (author) Dayle Campbell Gaetz

Many Faces of Gender

Roles and Relationships through Time in Indigenous Northern Communities

edited by Lisa Frink, Rita S. Shepard & Gregory A. Reinhardt
contributions by Rita Shepard, Gregory Reinhardt, Henry Stewart, Lillian Ackerman, Carol Zane Jolles, Jennifer Ann Tobey, Barbara Crass, Brian Hoffman, Peter Whitridge, Hetty Jo Brumbach & Robert Jarvenpa


reCreating Integrated Knowledge

by (author) Margaret A. Somerville & David J. Rapport

Urban Affairs

Back on the Policy Agenda

by (author) Caroline Andrew, Katherine A.H. Graham & Susan Phillips

The Irish War of Independence

by (author) Michael Hopkinson

Arctic Justice

On Trial for Murder, Pond Inlet, 1923

by (author) Shelagh D. Grant

Corpus and the Cortex

The 3-D Mind, Volume 2

by (author) Jacques M. Chevalier

Dead Man's Float

by (author) Derk Wynand

Myth of the Sacred

The Charter, the Courts, and the Politics of the Constitution in Canada

by (author) Patrick James, Donald E. Abelson & Michael Lusztig

Guide des pays fédérés, 2002

by (author) Ann L. Griffiths & Karl Nerenberg

Holocaust, Israel, and Canadian Protestant Churches

by (author) Haim Genizi

Islam and Bosnia

Conflict Resolution and Foreign Policy in Multi-Ethnic States

by (author) Maya Shatzmiller

The Afterlife of Trees

by (author) Brian Bartlett

Portraits de traductrices

by (author) Jean Delisle

Nunguvik et Saatut

Sites paléoeskimaux de Navy Board Inlet, île de Baffin

by (author) Guy Mary-Rousselière

Constructions identitaires et pratiques sociales

edited by Jean-Pierre Wallot, Pierre Lanthier & Hubert Watelet

La Photographie malgré l'image

by (author) Jean Lauzon

Le Suicide assisté

Héraut des moralités changeants

by (author) Joane Martel

Le Débat qui n'a pas lieu

La Commission Pépin-Robarts, quelque vingt ans après

edited by Jean-Pierre Wallot

Death Talk

The Case Against Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide

by (author) Margaret A. Somerville

Faces in the Forest

First Nations Art Created on Living Trees

by (author) Michael D. Blackstock

Chaucer and Language

Essays in Honour of Douglas Wurtele

by (author) Robert Myles & David A. Williams

Disciplined Intelligence

Critical Inquiry and Canadian Thought in the Victorian Era

by (author) A.B. McKillop

The Shape of Irish History

by (author) A.T.Q. Stewart

Joseph de Maistre's Life, Thought, and Influence

Selected Studies

by (author) Richard A. Lebrun

Protecting Biological Diversity

Roles and Responsibilities

by (author) Catherine Potvin, Margaret Kraenzel & Gilles Seutin

A Sudden Sky

Selected Poems

by (author) Ulrikka Gernes
translated by Patrick Friesen

The Door is Open

Memoir of a Soup Kitchen Volunteer

by (author) Bart Campbell

Schools and Work

Technical and Vocational Education in France Since the Third Republic

by (author) Charles Day

Judicial Power and Canadian Democracy

by (author) Paul Howe & Peter H. Russell

La Violence, la peur et le crime

by (author) Jacques Laplante

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