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Showing 2209-2240 of 2528 results

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À l'ombre de l'INCO

Étude de la transition d'une communauté canadienne-française de la région de Sudbury (1890-1972)

by (author) Donald Dennie

My old people say: Part 2

An ethnographic survey of Southern Yukon Territory

by (author) Catharine McClellan

Chercheurs de dieux dans l'espace public - Frontier Religions in Public Space

edited by Côté Pauline

La Démocratie à l'épreuve de la gouvernance

edited by Linda Cardinal & Caroline Andrew

La Tension tradition-modernité

Construits socioculturels de femmes autochtones, francophones et migrantes

edited by Andrea Martinez & Michèle Olivier

War Diary of Clare Gass

by (author) Clare Gass
edited by Susan Mann

Petworth Emigration Set

Assisting Emigration to Upper Canada: The Petworth Project, 1832-1837; English Immigrant Voices: Labourers' Letters from Upper Canada in the 183s

by (author) Wendy Cameron, Sheila Haines & Mary Maude

The Amphibians and Reptiles of Alberta

A Field Guide and Primer of Boreal Herpetology

by (author) A.P. Russell & Aaron M. Bauer
photographs by Wayne Lynch
illustrated by Irene McKinnon

Building a Partnership

The Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement

contributions by Peter McPherson, Mordechai E. Kreinin, Roger B. Porter, James A. Baker, Derek H. Burney, Richard G. Lipsey, David B. Schweikhardt, Konrad von Finckstein, Mustafa Mohatarem, William A. Dymond, James Blanchard, Michael Hart, Geza Feketekuty, Sylvia Ostry, Gary Hufbauer, Barbara Kotschwar & Paul Wonnacott

Voices for the Watershed

Environmental Issues in the Great Lakes-St Lawrence Drainage Basin

by (author) Gregor G. Beck

La Frénésie des fusions

by (author) Sancton Andrew

So Obstinately Loyal

James Moody, 1744-1809

by (author) Susan Burgess Shenstone

From Arabye to Engelond

Medieval Studies in Honour of Mahmoud Manzalaoui

edited by A.E. Christa Canitz & Gernot R. Weiland

Capital Culture

A Reader on Modernist Legacies, State Institutions, and the Value(s) of Art

by (author) Jody Berland & Shelley Hornstein


by (author) Lorena Gale

Anne Hébert

Le secret de vie et de mort

by (author) André Brochu

Au fil des ans

L'Union catholique des fermières de la province d'Ontario de 1936 à 1945

by (author) Estelle Huneault

Du corps des femmes

Contrôles, surveillances et résistances

edited by Sylvie Frigon & Michèle Kérisit

Le Processus politique

Environnements, prise de décision et pouvoir

by (author) Sylvie Arend & Christiane Rabier

Psychologie clinique de la personne âgée

edited by Philippe Cappeliez, Philippe Landreville & Jean Vézina

L’ Expérience sociale du quotidien

Corps, espace, temps

by (author) Monique Haicault

Jesse's Star

by (author) Ellen Schwartz


Ecocritical Readings of Canadian Women's Poetry

by (author) Diana M.A. Relke

Pari de la Franchise

Discours et écrits sur l'unité canadienne

by (author) Stéphane Dion

Feminist Success Stories - Célébrons nos réussites féministes

edited by Karen A. Blackford, Marie-Luce Garceau & Sandra Kirby

Justice in Paradise

by (author) Bruce Clark

Carabins ou activistes?

L'idéalism et la radicalisation de la pensée étudiante à l'Université de Montréal au temps du Duplessisme

by (author) Nicole Neatby

Weariness, the Fever, and the Fret

The Campaign against Tuberculosis in Canada, 1900-1950

by (author) Katherine McCuaig

Treading Fast Rivers

by (author) Eleonore Schönmaier

Rest on the Flight into Egypt

by (author) A.F. Moritz

Do We Care?

Renewing Canada's Commitment to Health

by (author) Margaret A. Somerville

Future of NATO

Enlargement, Russia, and European Security

by (author) Charles-Philippe David & Jacques Lévesque

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