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Fontanka 16
The Tsars' Secret Police
by (author) Charles A. Ruud & Sergei A. Stepanov

White Lung
by (author) Grant Buday

Meta Incognita: a discourse of discovery - volume 2
Martin Frobisher's Arctic expeditions, 1576-1578
edited by Thomas H.B. Symons, Stephen Alsford & Chris Kitzan

Portraits de traducteurs
by (author) Jean Delisle

Femmes de carrière, carrières de femmes
Étude des trajectoires familiales, scolaires et professionnelles des gestionnaires québecoises et on
by (author) Cécile Coderre, Ann Denis & Caroline Andrew

Publicité de masse et masse publicitaire
Le marché québecois des années 1920 aux années 1960
by (author) Luc Côté & Jean-Guy Daigle

Pluralisme et délibération
Enjeux en philosophie politique contemporaine
edited by Koula Mellos & Patrick Savidan

Les Femmes en milieu universitaire
Liberté d'apprendre autrement
by (author) Jeannine M. Ouellette

Genealogica & Heraldica
Ottawa 1996
edited by Auguste Vachon, Claire Boudreau & Daniel Cogne

Dominion Bureau of Statistics
A History of Canada's Central Statistical Office and Its Antecedents, 1841-1972
by (author) David A. Worton

Examination of the Philosophy of Bacon
Wherein Different Questions of Rational Philosophy Are Treated
by (author) Joseph de Maistre & Richard A. Lebrun

Bureau fédéral de la statistique
Les origines et l'evolution du bureau central de la statistique au Canada, 1841- 1972
by (author) David A. Worton

Taking Stock
Assessing Public Sector Reforms
by (author) Guy Peters & Donald J. Savoie

Enseignement de la traduction et traduction dans l'enseignement
edited by Jean Delisle & Hannelore Lee-Jahnke

Atlas historique des pratiques religieuses
Le Sud-Ouest du Québec au XIXe siècle
edited by Louis Rousseau & Frank W. Remiggi

Europe et traduction
edited by Michel Ballard

Le Traducteur, l'Église et le Roi
by (author) Clara Foz

Germaine Guèvremont
La tentation autobiographique
by (author) Yvan G. Lepage

Martyrology Books 1 & 2
by (author) bp Nichol

The Farm Show
by (author) Ted Johns & Paul Thompson

Infinity, Faith, and Time
Christian Humanism and Renaissance Literature
by (author) John Spencer Hill

Capturing Women
The Manipulation of Cultural Imagery in Canada's Prairie West
by (author) Sarah A. Carter

T.A. Crerar
A Political Life
by (author) J. Rea

Recent Social Trends in Russia 1960-1995
by (author) Irene A. Boutenko

Backwoods of Canada
by (author) Catharine Parr Traill & Michael A. Peterman

Lives of Dalhousie University, Volume 2
1925-1980, The Old College Transformed
by (author) P.B. Waite

Contribution of Presbyterianism to the Maritime Provinces of Canada
by (author) Charles H.H. Scobie & George A. Rawlyk

Jesuit Series
Part One, A-D
by (author) Peter M. Daly & Richard Dimler

The Enigma of Cannibalism on the Pacific NW Coast
by (author) Jim McDowell

Aspects of the Canadian Evangelical Experience
by (author) George A. Rawlyk

Writings by Western Icelandic Women
translated by Kirsten Wolf

Langages de l'interprétation personnalisées / The languages of live interpretation
L'animation dans les musée / Animation in museums
edited by Jean-Marc Blais