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Jacques Poulin
La création d'un espace amoureux
by (author) Pierre Hébert

Sortir du labyrinthe
Femmes, développement et vie quotidienne en Colombie andine
by (author) Marie France Labrecque

Le Deuil d'un pays imaginé
Rêves, luttes et déroute du Canada français
by (author) Marcel Martel

L’ Habillé et le nu
Pour une éthique du vêtir et du dénuder
by (author) André Guindon

Caribou Hunters in the Western Arctic
Zooarchaeology of the Rita-Claire and Bison Skull Sites
by (author) David A. Morrison

Deformed Discourse
The Function of the Monster in Mediaeval Thought and Literature
by (author) David A. Williams

Chora 2
Intervals in the Philosophy of Architecture
by (author) Alberto Pérez-Gómez & Stephen Parcell

Chignecto Covenanters
A Regional History of Reformed Presbyterianism in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, 1827-1905
by (author) Eldon Hay

Questions of Miracle
by (author) Robert A. Larmer

Life and Religion at Louisbourg, 1713-1758
by (author) A. Johnston

Is Jesus Your Personal Saviour?
In Search of Canadian Evangelicalism in the 1990s
by (author) George A. Rawlyk

Poppy's Whale
by (author) Marie-Francine Herbert

A History of the Austrian Migration to Canada
Selected Essays
by (author)
Frederick Engelmann
edited by
Manfred Prokop & Franz A.J. Szabo

Centrality of Agriculture
Between Humankind and the Rest of Nature
by (author) Colin A.M. Duncan

Artisans de la modernité
Les centres culturels en Ontario français
by (author) Diane Farmer

Le Counselling
Stratégies et interventions
by (author) Pierre Poirier & Evelyn Gagné

Femmes francophones et pluralisme en milieu minoritaire
edited by Dyane Adam

Les Écrits de Pierre Potier
by (author)
Pierre Potier
introduction and notes by
Robert Toupin

History of the Native People of Canada, Volume III (A.D. 500 – European Contact)
Part 1: Maritime Algonquian, St. Lawrence Iroquois, Ontario Iroquois, Glen Meyer/Western Basin, and Northern Algonquian Cultures
by (author) James Vallière Wright

Dit des signes
Répertoire de signes graphiques dans les cultures et les arts africains
by (author) C. Faïk-Nzuji Madiya

History of the Native People of Canada
Volume II (1,000 B.C. – A.D. 500)
by (author) James Vallière Wright

When the North Was Red
Aboriginal Education in Soviet Siberia
by (author) Dennis A. Bartels & Alice L. Bartels

The History of a London Lot
by (author) Greg Curnoe

Staples, Markets, and Cultural Change
Selected Essays
by (author) Harold A. Innis & Daniel Drache

Planet Earth
Problems and Prospects
by (author) James A. Leith & Raymond A. Price

Glory of Ottawa
Canada's First Parliament Buildings
by (author) Carolyn A. Young

Structure, Information and Communication Complexity, IIS 1
by (author) Paola Flocchini

Urban Policing in Canada
Anatomy of an Aging Craft
by (author) Maurice A. Martin

Complete Plays of Frances Burney
Volume 1: Comedies. Volume 2: Tragedies
by (author) Frances Burney

Newfoundland National Convention, 1946-1948
Volume 1: Debates. Volume 2: Reports and Papers.
by (author) James K. Hiller & Michael F. Harrington

Canada's Department of External Affairs, Volume 2
Coming of Age, 1946-1968
by (author) John Hilliker & Donald Barry

Ireland, a Bicycle, and a Tin Whistle
by (author) David A. Wilson