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Canada's Vegetation

A World Perspective

by (author) Geoffrey A.J. Scott

Dear Marian, Dear Hugh

The Maclennan-Engel Correspondence

edited by Christl Verduyn

Western Abenaki dictionary: Volume 2


by (author) Gordon M. Day

Canada Among Nations, 1995

Democracy and Foreign Policy

edited by Maxwell A. Cameron & Maureen Appel Molot

Social Origins of Violence in Uganda, 1964-1985

by (author) A. Kasozi


by (author) A.F. Moritz

Canadian Foreign Policy, 1977-1992

Selected Speeches and Documents

by (author) A.E. Blanchette

Canada Fire

Radical Evangelicalism in British North America, 1775-1812

by (author) George A. Rawlyk

Isak Dinesen and Narrativity

by (author) Gurli A. Woods

Ethnicity in the Mainstream

Three Studies of English Canadian Culture in Ontario

by (author) Pauline Greenhill

Habitations et Milieu de Vie

L'évolution du logement au Canada, 1945 à 1986

by (author) John Miron

Sea Has Many Voices

Oceans Policy for a Complex World

by (author) Cynthia Lamson

Shifting Sands

Government-Group Relationships in the Health Care Sector

by (author) Joan Price Boase

Threads of Arctic Prehistory

Papers in Honour of William E. Taylor, Jr.

edited by David A. Morrison & Jean-Luc Pilon

Making and metaphor

A discussion of meaning in contemporary craft

edited by Gloria A. Hickey

Beaver Bites Back?

by (author) David H. Flaherty & Frank E. Manning

Seize the Day

by (author) Geoffrey A.H. Pearson

Women, Work, and Coping

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Workplace Stress

by (author) Bonita C. Long & Sharon E. Kahn

Steam-Cleaning Love

by (author) J.A. Hamilton

Remaking Liberalism

The Intellectual Legacy of Adam Shortt, O.D. Skelton, W.C. Clark, and W.A. Mackintosh, 1890-1925

by (author) Barry Ferguson

Zoroastrian Faith

Tradition and Modern Research

by (author) S. Nigosian

A Possible Landscape

by (author) Maureen Harris

Interests of State

The Politics of Language, Multiculturalism, and Feminism in Canada

by (author) Leslie A. Pal

The Woman Downstairs

by (author) Julie Bruck

Changing Social Geography of Canadian Cities

by (author) Larry S. Bourne & David F. Ley

St Petersburg Dialogues

Or Conversations on the Temporal Government of Providence

by (author) Joseph de Maistre
edited by Richard A. Lebrun

Ethics in Public Service

by (author) Richard A. Chapman

Aux origines de l'identité franco-ontarienne

Éducation, culture, économie

by (author) Chad Gaffield

Le Statut juridique du français en Ontario

La législation et la jurisprudence provinciales

by (author) J.L. Gilles LeVasseur
preface by Gérald A. Beaudoin

God's Peculiar Peoples

Essays on Political Culture in Nineteenth Century Canada

by (author) S.F. Wise
edited by A.B. McKillop & Paul Romney

Les Franco-Ontariens

edited by Cornelius J. Jaenen

Song of Fear

by (author) A.F. Moritz

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