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Stand-Up Comedy as Art, Business, and Life-Style
by (author) Robert A. Stebbins

A concise Nuxalk-English dictionary
by (author) H.F. Nater

Tunique aux couleurs multiples
Deux siècles de présence juive au Canada
by (author) Irving Abella

Une Introduction à l'analyse du discours argumentatif
Des savoirs et savoir-faire fondamentaux
by (author) Vance Mendenhall

Iglulualumiut Prehistory
The Lost Inuit of Franklin Bay
by (author) David A. Morrison

Artifacts from "A coat of many colours :two centuries of Jewish life in Canada" / Objets de l'exposition "La tunique aux couleurs multiples : deux siècles de présence juive au Canada"
by (author) Sandra Morton Weizman

Grammar Schools of Medieval England
A.F. Leach in Historiographical Perspective
by (author) John N. Miner

Aestheticism and the Canadian Modernists
Aspects of a Poetic Influence
by (author) Brian Trehearne

How Ottawa Spends, 1989-1990
The Buck Stops Where?
by (author) Katherine A.H. Graham

Youth, University, and Canadian Society
Essays in the Social History of Higher Education
by (author) Paul Axelrod & John G. Reid

Third Solitudes
Tradition and Discontinuity in Jewish-Canadian Literature
by (author) Michael Greenstein

Essays for Richard Ellmann
Omnium Gatherum
by (author) Susan Dick & Declan Kiberd

Descartes and the Enlightenment
by (author) Peter A. Schouls

Penser, lire, écrire
Introduction au travail intellectuel
by (author) Aline Giroux & Renée Forgette-Giroux

Acaoohkiwina and Acimowina
Traditional narratives of the Rock Cree Indians
by (author) Robert A. Brightman

Les Abitibis
by (author) Roger J.M. Marois & P. Gauthier

Newton's Dream
by (author) Marcia Sweet Stayer

Human Rights in Canadian Foreign Policy
by (author) R. Matthews

Canadian Baptists and Christian Higher Education
by (author) George A. Rawlyk

How Ottawa Spends, 1988-1989
The Conservatives Heading into the Stretch
by (author) Katherine A.H. Graham

Literature and Ethics
Essays Presented to A.E. Malloch
by (author) Gary Wihl & David A. Williams

A Respectable Ditch
A History of the Trent-Severn Waterway, 1833-1920
by (author) James T. Angus

Tom Paine and William Cobbett
The Transatlantic Connection
by (author) David A. Wilson

Modernity and Religion
edited by William Nicholls

State, Class, and Bureaucracy
Canadian Unemployment Insurance and Public Policy
by (author) Leslie A. Pal

Water into Wine?
An Investigation of the Concept of Miracle
by (author) Robert A. Larmer

Sephardim d'hier et de demain
Trois autobiographies d'immigrants juifs marocains au Canada
by (author) André E. Elbaz

Kugaluk Site and the Nuvorugmiut
The Archaeology and History of a Nineteenth-Century Mackenzie Inuit Society
by (author) David A. Morrison

John Lehman
A Tribute
edited by A.T. Tolley

by (author) A.R. Kazuk

Symbols in Life and Art
by (author) James A. Leith

Language, Schooling, and Cultural Conflict
The Origins of the French-Language Controversy in Ontario
by (author) Chad Gaffield