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Tuscarora legacy of J.N.B. Hewitt / J.N.B. Hewitt wa ekhiríhwaye O skarùre: Volume 1

Materials for the study of the Tuscarora language and culture / Yerihetyá khwa ha uwe teh tíhsne urihwakà ye skarù re

by (author) Blair A. Rudes & Dorothy Crouse

Tuscarora legacy of J.N.B. Hewitt / J.N.B. Hewitt wa ekhiríhwaye O skarùre: Volume 2

Materials for the study of the Tuscarora language and culture / Yerihetyá khwa ha uwe teh tíhsne urihwakà ye skarù re

by (author) Blair A. Rudes & Dorothy Crouse

Tsimshian narratives: volume 2

Trade and warfare

by (author) Marius Barbeau & William Beynon
edited by John J. Cove & George F. MacDonald

Interior Salish tribes of British Columbia

A photographic collection

edited by Leslie H. Tepper

Native Peoples of Canada

An Annotated Bibliography of Population Biology, Health and Illness

edited by D.A. Rokala & C.A. Meikljohn

Phonology, dictionary and listing of roots and lexical derivates of the Haisla language of Kitlope and Kitimaat, B.C.: Volume 2

by (author) Neville J. Lincoln & John C. Rath

Kelly Clark

by (author) Kelly Clark

Mingan au 19e siècle

Cycles annuels des Montagnais et politique commerciales de la Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson

by (author) Jacques Frenette

Tell el-Hesi

Modern Military Trenching and Muslim Cemetery in Field I (Strata I-II)

by (author) Lawrence E. Toombs

The Poetry of the Forties in Britain

by (author) A.T. Tolley

Fur Trader's Photographs

A.A. Chesterfield in the District of Ungava, 1901-4

by (author) William James

P'tit train va loin

Histoires de vie de trois cheminots

by (author) Madeleine Lemieux-Pépin

Charles-François Lirette

Pélerin-photographe d'Amérique

by (author) Réal Girard, Léandre Lirette & Jeanne Lirette-Charron

Médecine et religion populaires / Folk medicine and religion

edited by Pierre Crépeau

Un médecin de campagne au XXe siècle

by (author) Pierre Dufour & Alain Larocque

Prairie Spirit

Perspectives on the Heritage of the United Church of Canada in the West

edited by Dennis L. Butcher, Catherine Macdonald, Margaret E. McPherson, Raymond R. Smith & A. McKibbin Watts

Ravished by the Spirit

Religious Revivals, Baptists, and Henry Alline

by (author) George A. Rawlyk

Le messianisme de Louis Riel

by (author) Gilles Martel

Religion in Life at Louisbourg, 1713-1758

by (author) A. Johnston

Coalition Warfare

An Uneasy Accord

edited by Keith Neilson
by (author) Roy A. Prete

Quebec City

Architects, artisans, and builders

by (author) A.J.H. Richardson, Geneviève Bastien, Doris Dubé & Marthe Lacombe

Historique du nouvel emplacement du Musée national de l'Homme à Hull

by (author) Francine Brouseau

Reconstructing Ontario Iroquoian Village Organization — Ontario Iroquois Tradition Longhouses

by (author) Gary A. Warrick & Christine F. Dodd

Hood Site

A Historic Neutral Town of 1640 A.D.

by (author) Paul Anthony Lennox


An Illustrated History

by (author) John English & Kenneth McLaughlin

Natural Resources

The Economics of Conservation

by (author) A. Scott

Musique traditionnelle pour accordéon diatonique

Philippe Bruneau

by (author) Carmelle Bégin

CCFCS collection of musical instruments: Volume 2

Idiophones and membranophones

by (author) Roy W. Gibbons

Tonneliers du Québec

by (author) Eileen Marcil

Conscience et enquête

L'ethnologie des réalités canadiennes

edited by Marc-Adélard Tremblay

Ojibwa lexicon

edited by G.L. Piggot & A. Grafstein

Thule Culture in Western Coronation Gulf, N.W.T.

by (author) David A. Morrison

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