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Voyage au pays des merveilles

Quatre autobiographies d'immigrants

by (author) Pierre Crépeau

Haulin' Rope & Gaff

Songs and Poetry in the History of the Newfoundland Seal Fishery

by (author) Shannon Ryan & Larry Small

Anahim Lake Archaeology and the Early Historic Chilcotin Indians — Vertebrate Faunal Remains from the Potlatch Site (FcSi-2) in South Central British Columbia

by (author) Roscoe Hall Wilmeth & Frances L. Stewart

Le gisement Beaumier

Essai sur l'évolution des décors de la céramique

by (author) Roger J.M. Marois

Archaeological Investigations at the Atigun Site, Central Brooks Range, Alaska

by (author) Ian R. Wilson

No Soft Options

The Poltico-Military Realities of NATO

by (author) Peter Hill-Norton
foreword by J.M.A.H. Luns

Canadian Ethnology Society: Papers from the fourth annual congress, 1977

edited by Richard J. Preston

Approaches to native history in Canada

Papers of a conference held at the National Museum of Man, October 1975

edited by D.A. Muise

Étude archéologique de sites Eskimo aux îles Belcher, T.N.O.

by (author) Joseph Benmouyal

L'archéologie des Kitselas d'après le site stratifié de Gitaus (GdTc:2) sur la rivière Skeena en Colombie-Britannique

by (author) Louis Allaire

Saugeen Culture: Volume 2

A Middle Woodland Manifestation in Southwestern Ontario

by (author) William David Finlayson

Saugeen Culture: Volume 1

A Middle Woodland Manifestation in Southwestern Ontario

by (author) William David Finlayson

Keynesian Economics

by (author) Mabel F. Timlin
contributions by A.E. Safarian

Material history bulletin no. 2 / Bulletin d'histoire de la culture matérielle no 2

edited by Robb Watt & Barbara Riley

Thule Eskimo Prehistory along Northwestern Hudson Bay

by (author) Allen Papin McCartney

Beothuck Archaeology in Bonavista Bay

by (author) Paul Carignan

The E.J. Pratt Symposium

edited by Glenn Clever

Pre-Dorset Settlements at the Seahorse Gully Site

by (author) David A. Meyer

The Frontier and Canadian Letters

by (author) Wilfrid Eggleston
introduction by D.O. Spettigue

Northern Sphinx

Iceland and the Icelanders from the Settlement to the Present

by (author) Sigurdur A. Magnusson

Intérieurs domestiques des menuisiers et charpentiers de la région de Québec, 1810-1819

by (author) Jacques Bernier

Material history bulletin no. 1 / Bulletin d'histoire de la culture matérielle no 1

edited by Robb Watt & Barbara Riley


A Late Prehistoric Bison Kill and Campsite Located in Southeastern Alberta, Canada

by (author) John H. Brumley

Quelques boutiques de menuisiers et charpentiers au tournant du XIXe siecle

by (author) Jacques Bernier

Trois générations de cordonniers à Saint-Jean-Port-Joli

by (author) Hélène Simard

Parliament of women

The National Council of Women of Canada, 1893-1929

by (author) Veronica Jane Strong-Boag

Prehistory of Saglek Bay, Labrador

Archaic and Palaeo-Eskimo Occupations

by (author) James A. Tuck

Algonkians of Lake Nipigon

An Archaeological Survey

by (author) Kenneth C.A. Dawson

Proceedings: Northern Athapaskan Conference, 1971: Volume 2

edited by Annette McFadyen Clark

Bella Coola ceremony and art

by (author) Margaret A. Stott

The Life of Themistocles

A Critical Survey of the Literary and Archaeological Evidence

by (author) A.J. Podlecki

Archaic Sequence from the Strait of Belle Isle, Labrador

by (author) Robert McGhee & James A. Tuck

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