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Quelques techniques de décoration de la céramique impressionnée
Correspondance des termes français et anglais
by (author) Roger J.M. Marois

Indices de manifestations culturelles de l'archaique
La région de Trois-Rivières
by (author) Roger J.M. Marois & René Ribes

proto-Algonquian dictionary
by (author) George F. Aubin

Chaucer, Spenser, Milton
Mythopoeic Continuities and Transformations
by (author) A. Kent Hieatt

Proceedings of the second congress, Canadian Ethnology Society: Volume 2
edited by Jim Freedman & Jerome H. Barkow

Cities in the west
Papers of the Western Canada Urban History Conference, University of Winnipeg, October 1974
edited by A.R. McCormack & Ian MacPherson

Forgeron de campagne
Un inventaire d'outils
by (author) Andre [et al ]. Berube

Chronology of Canadian military aviation
by (author) H.A. Halliday

Place of refuge for all time
Migration of the American Potawatomi into Upper Canada, 1830 to 1850
by (author) James A. Clifton

In Search of Jerusalem
Religion and Ethics in the Writings of A.M. Klein
by (author) Gretl K. Fischer

Politics and Territory
The Sociology of Regional Persistence in Canada
by (author) Mildred A. Schwartz

Contributions to the Later Prehistory of Kodiak Island, Alaska
by (author) Donald Woodforde Clark & Frederick A. Milan

Crowsnest Pass Archaeological Project
1973 Salvage Excavations and Survey Paper No. 2: Preliminary Report
by (author) Brian O.K. Reeves

Les schèmes d'établissement à la fin de la préhistoire et au début de la période historique
Le sud du Québec
by (author) Roger J.M. Marois

Freshwater Pollution, Canadian Style
Volume 3 of Environmental Damage and Control in Canada
by (author) P.A. Larkin

The Life of the Reverend George Trosse
Written by himself, and published posthumously according to his order in 1714
edited by A.W. Brink

Considerations on France
by (author)
Joseph de Maistre
translated by
Richard A. Lebrun

The McCluskey Site
by (author) Kenneth C.A. Dawson

Nova Scotia's Massachusetts
by (author) George A. Rawlyk

Post Secondary Education
by (author) T. McLeod

Dominion Lands Policy
by (author) Chester Martin

Archaeology of the Lake Harbour District, Baffin Island
by (author) Moreau S. Maxwell

The New Hungarian Agriculture
by (author) Lewis A. Fischer & Philipi E. Uren

Eastward to Empire
Exploration and Conquest on the Russian Open Frontier to 1750
by (author) George V. Lantzeff & Richard A. Pierce

Archaeology and Prehistory of Southern Alberta as Reflected by Ceramics: Volume 2
by (author) William J. Byrne

Ancient Greek
A Structural Programme, Volume 1
by (author) C.D. Ellis & A. Schachter

Haida Burial Practices
Three Archaeological Examples; The Gust Island Burial Shelter, The Skungo Cave North Island, Mass Burials from Tan
by (author) George F. MacDonald & Jerome S. Cybulski

The Mystery of Unity
Theme and Technique in the Novels of Patrick White
by (author) Patricia A. Morley

Canadian Foreign Policy, 1945-1954
Selected Speeches and Documents
edited by R.A. MacKay

The Emerging Worker
Equality and Conflict in the Mass Consumption Society
by (author) William A. Westley & Margaret W. Westlet

How Much Price Competition
by (author) Milton Moore

Before Its Incorporation into the Russian State
by (author) A.P. Okladnikov