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The David Thompson Highway Hiking Guide – 2nd Edition

by (author) Jane Ross & Daniel Kyba

Family Walks & Hikes Canadian Rockies: 2nd Edition, Volume 1

Bragg Creek – Kananaskis – Bow Valley

by (author) Andrew Nugara

Le retour à la biè au hockey

L'histoire d'Eric Molson

by (author) Helen Antoniou

L'Église et la politique québécoise, de Taschereau à Duplessis

by (author) Alexandre Dumas

La Démocratie à l'épreuve de la gouvernance

edited by Linda Cardinal & Caroline Andrew

Historique du nouvel emplacement du Musée national de l'Homme à Hull

by (author) Francine Brouseau

Une Introduction à l'analyse du discours argumentatif

Des savoirs et savoir-faire fondamentaux

by (author) Vance Mendenhall

Manuel de rédaction à l'usage des militaires, nouvelle édition

by (author) Eric Ouellet, Adam Chapnick & Craig Stone

À tout prendre et Il était une fois dans l’Est

by (author) Julie Vaillancourt

Pensionnats du Canada : L’histoire, partie 1, des origines à 1939

Rapport final de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada, Volume I

by (author) Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada

Guide à l’intention des familles sur les troubles concomitants

by (author) Caroline O'Grady & W.J. Wayne Skinner

Trois générations de cordonniers à Saint-Jean-Port-Joli

by (author) Hélène Simard

Les littératures franco-canadiennes à l’épreuve du temps

edited by Lucie Hotte & François Paré
contributions by Marie Carrière, Grégoire Holtz, Kathleen Kellett, Louise Ladouceur, Jean Morency, Pamela Sing, Jimmy Thibault & Emmanuelle Tremblay

North-West River (Sheshatshit) Montagnais :a grammatical sketch

by (author) Sandra Clarke

Tuscarora legacy of J.N.B. Hewitt / J.N.B. Hewitt wa ekhiríhwaye O skarùre: Volume 2

Materials for the study of the Tuscarora language and culture / Yerihetyá khwa ha uwe teh tíhsne urihwakà ye skarù re

by (author) Blair A. Rudes & Dorothy Crouse

Phonology, dictionary and listing of roots and lexical derivates of the Haisla language of Kitlope and Kitimaat, B.C.: Volume 2

by (author) Neville J. Lincoln & John C. Rath

Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education - Module 2 - Workshop 1. When Fear Takes Hold - Participant's Workbook

Targeted-Selective Prevention Program

by (author) Diane Marcotte, Marie-Laurence Paré, Cynthia Lamarre & Carole Viel
translated by Aleshia Jensen

Family Walks and Hikes of Vancouver Island — Revised Edition: Volume 2 — Nanaimo North to Strathcona Park

by (author) Theo Dombrowski

What Parents Need to Know about Teens

Facts, Myths and Strategies

by (author) David A. Wolfe

Bureau fédéral de la statistique

Les origines et l'evolution du bureau central de la statistique au Canada, 1841- 1972

by (author) David A. Worton

La thérapie cognitivo-comportementale

Guide d'information

by (author) Neil A. Rector

More Than a Mountain

One Woman's Everest

by (author) T.A. Loeffler

Diamond Jenness Collections from Bering Strait

by (author) David A. Morrison

Body Rain

by (author) J.A. Hamilton

Song of Fear

by (author) A.F. Moritz

The Sentinel

by (author) A.F. Moritz


by (author) A.S. Penne

The Griffin Poetry Prize 2010 Anthology

A Selection of the Shortlist

edited by A.F. Moritz

God and the Chip

Religion and the Culture of Technology

by (author) William A. Stahl


by (author) A.F. Moritz

Pictorial Illusionism

The Theatre of Steele MacKaye

by (author) J.A. Sokalski

St Mary's

The History of a London Teaching Hospital

by (author) E.A. Heaman

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