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Showing 2593-2624 of 18955 results

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Shattering Silos

Reimagining Knowledge, Politics, and Social Critique

by (author) Lambert Zuidervaart

The Elephant on Karlův Bridge

by (author) Thomas Trofimuk

La guerre d'indépendance des Canadas

Démocratie, républicanismes et libéralismes en Amérique du Nord

by (author) Julien Mauduit

To Make a Village Soviet

Jehovah's Witnesses and the Transformation of a Postwar Ukrainian Borderland

by (author) Emily B. Baran

We, the Others

Allophones, Immigrants and Belonging in Canada

by (author) Toula Drimonis


by (author) Fanie Demeule
translated by Anita Anand

Operation Masonic

by (author) Helen C. Escott

Évangéline: The Many Identities of a Literary Icon

by (author) Joseph Yvon Thériault
edited and translated by Aycha Fleury


Women Writing After Concussion

edited by E.D. Morin & Jane Cawthorne
read by Tara Yelle

The State in Transition

Challenges for Canadian Federalism

edited by Michael Behiels
contributions by François Rocher, Robert Talbot, Thomas O. Hueglin, Jeremy A. Clarke, Daniel Bourgeois, Patrick Fafard, Andrew Bourns, Peter Graefe, Raffaele Iacovino, Geneviève Nootens, Geoffrey Hale, France Morrissette & Brooke Jeffrey

Tackling Wicked Policy Problems

Equality, Diversity and Sustainability

by (author) Gilles Paquet

The Unimagined Canadian Capital

Challenges for the Federal Capital Region

edited by Rupak Chattopadhyay & Gilles Paquet
contributions by Meyer Burstein, Éric Champagne, Almos Tassonyi, Caroline Andrew, Guy Chiasson, Andrew Sancton, David L.A. Gordon, André Juneau & Anne Gilbert

Unusual Suspects

Essays on Social Learning

by (author) Gilles Paquet

Tableau d'avancement II

Essais exploratoires sur la gouvernance d'un certain Canada français

by (author) Gilles Paquet

Moderato Cantabile

Toward Principled Governance for Canada’s Immigration Policy

by (author) Gilles Paquet


Public Servant

by (author) Ruth Hubbard

Scheming Virtuously

The Road to Collaborative Governance

by (author) Gilles Paquet

50 ans de bilinguisme officiel

Défis, analyses et témoignages

edited by Richard Clément & Pierre Foucher
contributions by Graham Fraser, Pierre Curzi, Stéphane Dion, François Boileau, Roger Turenne, Raymond-M Hébert, Sherry Simon, Michelle Landry, Ingride Roy, Matthieu LeBlanc, Éric Forgues, Maurice Beaudin, Mark Power, Perri Ravon, Albert Nolette & Andy Anstett

Gouvernance communautaire

Innovations dans le Canada français hors Québec

edited by Caroline Andrew, Ruth Hubbard & Gilles Paquet
contributions by Éric Champagne, Marie Hélène Eddie, Mariette Mulaire, Gina S. Comeau, Guy Chiasson, Simon Letendre, Mathieu Voyer, Thierry Arseneau, Jean Léger, Nathalie Plante, Christine Dallaire, Magalie-France Houle, Éric Forgues & d'Ornellia-N J. Moyabi Mampoumbou

A Future for Economics

More Encompassing, More Institutional, More Practical

edited by Christopher Maule
contributions by John Chant, Don McFetridge, Ehsan Choudhri, Steven Langdon, Gilles Paquet, Harvey Lithwick & Georg Rich

Gouvernance corporative

Une entrée en matières

by (author) Gilles Paquet

Pasquinade en F

Essais à rebrousse-poil

by (author) Gilles Paquet

Autour de Chantal Mouffe

Le politique en conflit

edited by Linda Cardinal & Pascale Devette
contributions by Stéphane Vibert, Xavier Bériault, Claude Denis, Dan Furukawa Marques, Robert Sparling, Guillaume Garreta, Marie-Christine Doran & Chantal Mouffe

A Lantern on the Bow

A History of the Science Council of Canada and its Contributions to the Science and Innovation Policy Debate

edited by Jeff Kinder & Paul Dufour
contributions by Philip Enros, Roger Voyer, G. Bruce Doern, Meg Barker, Janet E. Halliwell, Graham Orpwood, Arthur Cordell, Hank Trim, Michael Jenkin, William Forward & Rick Clayton


Collaborative Decentred Metagovernance and Inquiring Systems

by (author) Ruth Hubbard, Gilles Paquet & Christopher Wilson

The Entrepreneurial Effect


edited by James Bowen
contributions by Feridun Hamdullahpur, Robert Pavlis, Dan Mathers, Robert Tong, Roger Subowius, Jim Estill, Dan Latendre, Steven McCartney, Iain Klugman, Vita Gasima, Carol Leaman, Larry Borsato, Steve Carkner, Kevin Hood, Rick Endrulat, Randall Litchfield, Tom Hunter, Rod Foster, Cameron Hay, Josie Graham, Mike Morrice, Ted Hastings, Adam Zimmer, William M. Tatham, Ray DePaul, Yvan Couture, Andrew Maxwell, Moren Lévesque, Ann Zimmer, Brydon Gilliss, Dave Caputo, Aurélien Leftick & Harvey Finkelstein

Tableau d'avancement IV

Un Canada français à ré-inventer

by (author) Gilles Paquet

Cities and Languages

Governance and Policy – An International Symposium

edited by Richard Clément & Caroline Andrew
contributions by Graham Fraser, Sylvie A. Lamoureux, Emili Boix-Fuster, Gemma Cots, Georgina Rufo, Daniel Bourgeois, Aaron Burry, Guy Chiasson, Maria Björnberg-Enckell, Christina Späti, Phillipe Hambye, Jordi Font, Antoni Rodon, Pierre-Yves Moeschler & Colin H. Williams

Building Bridges

Case Studies in Collaborative Governance in Canada

edited by Claude Rocan
contributions by Derek Cook, Tere Mahoney, Robyn Dryden, Gail Krantzberg, Mario Paris, Suzanne Gagnon, Wanda Wuttunee, Robert Bell, John Noksana, Jr. & Anna J. De Hart

Through the Detox Prism

Exploring Organizational Failures and Design Responses

by (author) Gilles Paquet & Tim Ragan

Challenges in Public Health Governance

The Canadian Experience

by (author) Claude Rocan
introduction by Trevor Hancock

The Tainted-Blood Tragedy in Canada

A Cascade of Governance Failures

by (author) Gilles Paquet & Roger A. Perrault

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