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Good Burdens
How to Live Joyfully in the Digital Age
by (author) Christina Crook

The Love Olympics
by (author) Claire Wilkshire

Meditations for Makers
Daily Affirmations for a Creative Life
by (author) Deanne Fitzpatrick

Grunge Is Dead
The Oral History of Seattle Rock Music
read by Greg Prato

Breaking Barriers, Shaping Worlds
Canadian Women and the Search for Global Order
edited by Jill Campbell-Miller, Greg Donaghy & Stacey Barker

A Perfect Bowl of Pho
by (author) Nam Nguyen

L'entrepreneur rural John Bragg: la force derriere Oxford Frozen Foods et Eastlink.
la force derrière Oxford Frozen Foods et Eastlink
by (author) Donald J. Savoie

Kamik Takes the Lead
by (author)
Darryl Baker
illustrated by
Ali Hinch
read by
Nick Nahwegahbow & Louise Flaherty

Kamik Joins the Pack
by (author)
Darryl Baker
illustrated by
Qin Leng
read by
Nick Nahwegahbow & Louise Flaherty

The Origin of Day and Night
by (author)
Paula Ikuutaq Rumbolt
illustrated by
Lenny Lishchenko
Maika Harper

How I Survived
Four Nights on the Ice
by (author)
Serapio Ittusardjuat
illustrated by
Matthew K. Hoddy
read by
Louise Flaherty & Davidee Qaumariaq

The Fox Wife
read by
Beatrice Deer
illustrated by
D.J. Herron

The Orphan and the Polar Bear
by (author)
Sakiasi Qaunaq
illustrated by
Eva Widermann
read by
Louise Flaherty & Vinnie Karetak

Akilak's Adventure
by (author)
Deborah Kigjugalik Webster
illustrated by
Charlene Chua
read by
Miali Buscemi & Louise Flaherty

The Gnawer of Rocks
read by
Louise Flaherty
illustrated by
Jim Nelson

A Journey to the Mother of the Sea
by (author)
Mâliâraq Vebæk
illustrated by
Aka Høegh
read by
Roselynn Akulukjuk & Louise Flaherty

Sukaq and the Raven
by (author)
Roy Goose
read by
Kerry McCluskey & Louise Flaherty
illustrated by
Soyeon Kim

Three for Trinity
by (author) Kevin Major

Atlantic’s Last Stop
Courage, Folly, and Lies in the White Star Line’s Worst Disaster Before Titanic
by (author) Bob Chaulk

Essential Ingredients
by (author) Carol Rose GoldenEagle

From the Heart
by (author) Sam Hoffer

Window Ledge
by (author) Lesley Strutt

Welcome to Holly Cottage
by (author) Norma Collis

How Nivi Got Her Names
read by
Laura Deal & Miali Buscemi
illustrated by
Charlene Chua

Tracing the Untelling of Motherloss
by (author) Betsy Warland

by (author) Jean Mills

La tête haute
by (author) Maurice Henrie

Second Chances
by (author) Harriet Zaidman

A Soft Place to Fall
by (author) Tanya Christenson

The Wrong Man
by (author) Christine D. LeBlanc

Royally Wronged
The Royal Society of Canada and Indigenous Peoples
edited by Constance Backhouse, Cynthia E. Milton, Margaret Kovach & Adele Perry

When You Least Expect It
by (author) Lorna Schultz Nicholson