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Justice sociale et écologique dans un monde globalisé
by (author)
Ronald Cameron, Raphaël Canet & Nathalie Guay
series edited by
Pierre Beaudet

illustrated by Nancy Vo

The Sleeping Car Porter
by (author) Suzette Mayr

Anarchists in the Academy
Machines and Free Readers in Experimental Poetry
by (author) Dani Spinosa

Éloge de la procrastination et autres facéties
by (author) Robert Major

by (author)
Sigmund Brouwer
translated by
Rachel Martinez

Vive le poulet!
by (author)
Mahtab Narsimhan
translated by
Rachel Martinez

Inside the Montreal Mafia
The Confessions of Andrew Scoppa
by (author)
Félix Séguin & Eric Thibault
translated by
Julia Jones
read by
Gianpaolo Venuta

University Governance in Canada
Navigating Complexity
by (author) Julia Eastman, Glen A. Jones, Claude Trottier & Olivier Bégin-Caouette

La guerre d'indépendance des Canadas
Démocratie, républicanismes et libéralismes en Amérique du Nord
by (author) Julien Mauduit

From Enlightenment Philosophy to Canadian History
by (author) E.A. Heaman

Operation Masonic
by (author) Helen C. Escott

Town and Crown
An Illustrated History of Canada’s Capital
by (author) David L.A. Gordon

Gouvernance communautaire
Innovations dans le Canada français hors Québec
edited by
Caroline Andrew, Ruth Hubbard & Gilles Paquet
contributions by
Éric Champagne, Marie Hélène Eddie, Mariette Mulaire, Gina S. Comeau, Guy Chiasson, Simon Letendre, Mathieu Voyer, Thierry Arseneau, Jean Léger, Nathalie Plante, Christine Dallaire, Magalie-France Houle, Éric Forgues & d'Ornellia-N J. Moyabi Mampoumbou

Challenges of Minority Governments in Canada
by (author) Marc Gervais

Villes et langues
Gouvernance et politiques – Symposium international
edited by
Caroline Andrew & Richard Clément
contributions by
Graham Fraser, Sylvie A. Lamoureux, Emili Boix-Fuster, Gemma Cots, Georgina Rufo, Daniel Bourgeois, Aaron Burry, Guy Chiasson, Maria Björnberg-Enckell, Christina Späti, Phillipe Hambye, Jordi Font, Antoni Rodon, Pierre-Yves Moeschler & Colin H. Williams

La Flotte Blanche
Histoire de la Compagnie de navigation du Richelieu et d'Ontario
by (author) Pierre Camu

The State in Transition
Challenges for Canadian Federalism
edited by
Michael Behiels
contributions by
François Rocher, Robert Talbot, Thomas O. Hueglin, Jeremy A. Clarke, Daniel Bourgeois, Patrick Fafard, Andrew Bourns, Peter Graefe, Raffaele Iacovino, Geneviève Nootens, Geoffrey Hale, France Morrissette & Brooke Jeffrey

The Unimagined Canadian Capital
Challenges for the Federal Capital Region
edited by
Rupak Chattopadhyay & Gilles Paquet
contributions by
Meyer Burstein, Éric Champagne, Almos Tassonyi, Caroline Andrew, Guy Chiasson, Andrew Sancton, David L.A. Gordon, André Juneau & Anne Gilbert

Tableau d'avancement II
Essais exploratoires sur la gouvernance d'un certain Canada français
by (author) Gilles Paquet

Autour de Chantal Mouffe
Le politique en conflit
edited by
Linda Cardinal & Pascale Devette
contributions by
Stéphane Vibert, Xavier Bériault, Claude Denis, Dan Furukawa Marques, Robert Sparling, Guillaume Garreta, Marie-Christine Doran & Chantal Mouffe

Tableau d'avancement IV
Un Canada français à ré-inventer
by (author) Gilles Paquet

Cities and Languages
Governance and Policy – An International Symposium
edited by
Richard Clément & Caroline Andrew
contributions by
Graham Fraser, Sylvie A. Lamoureux, Emili Boix-Fuster, Gemma Cots, Georgina Rufo, Daniel Bourgeois, Aaron Burry, Guy Chiasson, Maria Björnberg-Enckell, Christina Späti, Phillipe Hambye, Jordi Font, Antoni Rodon, Pierre-Yves Moeschler & Colin H. Williams

Challenges in Public Health Governance
The Canadian Experience
by (author)
Claude Rocan
introduction by
Trevor Hancock

The Tainted-Blood Tragedy in Canada
A Cascade of Governance Failures
by (author) Gilles Paquet & Roger A. Perrault

Pasquinade en F
Essais à rebrousse-poil
by (author) Gilles Paquet

50 ans de bilinguisme officiel
Défis, analyses et témoignages
edited by
Richard Clément & Pierre Foucher
contributions by
Graham Fraser, Pierre Curzi, Stéphane Dion, François Boileau, Roger Turenne, Raymond-M Hébert, Sherry Simon, Michelle Landry, Ingride Roy, Matthieu LeBlanc, Éric Forgues, Maurice Beaudin, Mark Power, Perri Ravon, Albert Nolette & Andy Anstett

The Unique Lou Fox
by (author) Jodi Carmichael

illustrated by Ruth Ohi

The Pencil
by (author)
Susan Avingaq & Maren Vsetula
illustrated by
Charlene Chua

Elisapee and Her Baby Seagull
by (author)
Nancy Mike
illustrated by
Charlene Chua

The Runner
by (author) Christopher Morris