Refine your selections:
Refine your selectionsThe Cardiff Giant
by (author)
Larry Lockridge
illustrated by
Marcia Scanlon
An Anthology of Arctic Horror Stories
by (author)
Aviaq Johnston, Richard Van Camp, Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley, Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley, Thomas Anguti Johnston, Repo Kempt, Jay Bulckaert, K.C. Carthew, Gayle Kabloona & Cara Bryant
Elizabeth Ryan, Vinnie Karetak, Aloka Wijesooriya & Kaaju Arreak
Queer Atlantic
Masculinity, Mobility, and the Emergence of Modernist Form
by (author) Daniel Hannah
Thief of Reason
by (author) Judy J. Johnson
Les think tanks et le discours expert sur les politiques publiques au Canada
by (author) Julien Landry
Canada's Fluid Borders
Trade, Investment, Travel, Migration
edited by
Geoffrey Hale & Greg Anderson
contributions by
Patricia Dewey-Lambert, Monica Gattinger, Jill Hobbs, William Kerr, Meredith Lilly & Andrew Moroz
The Lost Decades of Uncle Chow Tung
by (author) Ian Hamilton
On Love and Tyranny
The Life and Politics of Hannah Arendt
by (author)
Ann Heberlein
translated by
Alice Menzies
The Shadow
by (author)
Melanie Raabe
translated by
Imogen Taylor
Thriving Churches
Urban and Rural Successes
by (author) Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd
Pagan, Goddess, Mother
edited by Nané Jordan & Chandra Alexandre
Faith On The Move
Daily Reflections on Hope and Change
edited by
Julie McGonegal
contributions by
Kay Cho, Rob Fennell, Sheng Ping Guo, Peter Haresnape, Jim Hodgson, Won Hur, Nanette McKay, Debbie McMillan, Deivit Montealegre, Japhet Ndhlovu, Chris Pullenayegem, Keith Reynolds, Miriam Spies & Linda Yates
Gathered for Preaching
A Sourcebook for Lay Leaders and Clergy
by (author) Ross Bartlett
Beginning Saulteaux
by (author) Lynn Cote & Margaret Cote
Entangling the Quebec Act
Transnational Contexts, Meanings, and Legacies in North America and the British Empire
edited by Ollivier Hubert & François Furstenberg
Take a Number
How Citizens' Encounters with Government Shape Political Engagement
by (author) Elisabeth Gidengil
Lost Lagoon/lost in thought
by (author) Betsy Warland
Negotiating Our Economic Future
Trade, Technology, and Diplomacy
by (author) Geoffrey Allen Pigman
The Canadian Federal Election of 2019
edited by Jon H. Pammett & Christopher Dornan
by (author)
Henri F. Ellenberger
edited by
Emmanuel Delille
translated by
Jonathan Kaplansky
Why We Fight
New Approaches to the Human Dimension of Warfare
edited by Robert C. Engen, H. Christian Breede & Allan English
Outsourcing Control
The Politics of International Migration Cooperation
by (author) Katherine H. Tennis
by (author) Sarah Tolmie
Canada's Other Red Scare
Indigenous Protest and Colonial Encounters during the Global Sixties
by (author) Scott Rutherford
Marina Warner and the Ethics of Telling Silenced Stories
by (author) Lisa Propst
Too Young to Escape
A Vietnamese Girl Waits to be Reunited with Her Family
by (author) Van Ho & Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch
Three Plays
by (author)
Shannon Bramer
introduction by
Sara Tilley
Being and Swine
The End of Nature (As We Knew It)
by (author)
Fahim Amir
translated by
Geoffrey C. Howes & Corvin Russell
Islamic Interpretive Tradition and Gender Justice
Processes of Canonization Subversion and Change
edited by Nevin Reda & Yasmin Amin
Ivan Mazepa and the Russian Empire
by (author) Tatiana Tairova-Yakovleva
Rock Recipes 3
Even More Great Food and Photos from My Newfoundland Kitchen
by (author) Barry C. Parsons
The Buds Are Calling
by (author) B. Coyne Davies