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Canada's Best | La grande littérature du Canada
An Anthology | Une anthologie
edited by
Andrew David Irvine
Edmond Rivère & Stephanie Tolman

Noir et Blanc
Un regard intime et multiculturel sur « l’avantage blanc » et les voies du changement
by (author) Stephen Dorsey

The Agents
by (author)
Grégoire Courtois
translated by
Rhonda Mullins

Secret Life of a Mother
by (author)
Hannah Moscovitch
Maev Beaty & Ann-Marie Kerr
foreword by
Marinda de Beer

Les Cahiers du Journalisme, V.2, NO7
edited by Bertrand Labasse

Overcoming the Neutral Zone Trap
Hockey’s Agents of Change
edited by Cheryl A. MacDonald & Jonathon R.J. Edwards

Sapphire the Great and the Meaning of Life
by (author)
Beverley Brenna
illustrated by
Tara Anderson

Beyond Rights
The Nisg̱a’a Final Agreement and the Challenges of Modern Treaty Relationships
by (author) Carole Blackburn

The Liminal Chrysalis
Imagining Reproduction and Parenting Futures Beyond the Binary
edited by Kori Doty & A.J. Lowik

How to Examine a Wolverine
More Tales from the Accidental Veterinarian
by (author)
Philipp Schott
read by
Geet Arora

Una Huna?: What Is This?
Susan Aglukark
illustrated by
Danny Christopher & Amiel Sandland

Lesser Evils
Daily Reflections on Seeking Wisdom
edited by
Alydia Smith
contributions by
Basil E. Coward, Jennifer Henry, Andrew Hyde, Cheryl A. Lindsay, Julie McGonegal, Debbie McMillan & Nathan Wright

Salt Beef Buckets
A Love Story
by (author) Amanda Dorothy Jean Bulman

Rock Paper Sex Volume 2
Trigger Warning
by (author) Kerri Cull

Littéraire, non littéraire
Enjeux traductologiques d’une problématique transdisciplinaire
edited by
Isabelle Collombat
preface by
Christiane Nord
contributions by
Marie-Alice Belle, Valérie Bouchard, Hélène Buzelin, Bruno Courbon, Fayza El Qasem, Nicolas Froeliger, Patricia Godbout, Andrée Mercier, Adrien Rannaud & Marie-Andrée Ricard

Mon village, la côte
by (author)
Yolande Bastarache
preface by
Michel Bastarache

Moments of Perception
Experimental Film in Canada
edited by
Jim Shedden & Barbara Sternberg
text by
Michael Zryd & Stephen Broomer

Globalization, Poverty, and Income Inequality
Insights from Indonesia
edited by Richard Barichello, Arianto A. Patunru & Richard Schwindt

Field Study
Meditations on a Year at the Herbarium
read by Helen Humphreys

Making the Case
2SLGBTQ+ Rights and Religion in Schools
by (author) Donn Short, Bruce MacDougall & Paul T. Clarke

Châtiments, miracles, et autres propos du concierge de l’évêché
by (author) Robert Major

L'entrepreneur rural John Bragg: la force derriere Oxford Frozen Foods et Eastlink.
la force derrière Oxford Frozen Foods et Eastlink
by (author) Donald J. Savoie

La tête haute
by (author) Maurice Henrie

Canadian Mining in the Aftermath of Genocides in Guatemala
edited by Catherine Nolin & Grahame Russell
Pass Me By: Electric Vice
by (author) Kyle Simmers & Ryan Danny Owen

Transformative Media
Intersectional Technopolitics from Indymedia to #BlackLivesMatter
by (author) Sandra Jeppesen

Land of Many Shores
Perspectives from a Diverse Newfoundland and Labrador
edited by Ainsley Hawthorn

A Long Way to Paradise
A New History of British Columbia Politics
by (author) Robert A.J. McDonald

The Light Streamed Beneath It
A Memoir of Grief and Celebration
by (author) Shawn Hitchins

The Light Streamed Beneath It
A Memoir of Grief and Celebration
read by Shawn Hitchins

Welcome to the Cypher
by (author)
Khodi Dill
illustrated by
Awuradwoa Afful

Lucy joue au soccer
by (author)
Lisa Bowes
illustrated by
James Hearne
translated by
Rachel Martinez