Refine your selections:
Refine your selectionsA Family Affair
by (author)
Nadine Bismuth
translated by
Russell Smith
The House of Izieu
by (author) Jan Rehner
The Path of Loneliness
by (author) Candice James
Dear Hearts
by (author) Barbara Miller Biles
Ghost Train
by (author)
Paul Yee
illustrated by
Harvey Chan
read by
Molly Johnson
A Salmon for Simon
by (author)
Betty Waterton
illustrated by
Ann Blades
read by
Graham Greene
A Life of Timothy Findley
by (author) Sherrill Grace
Gold in British Columbia
Discovery to Confederation
by (author) Marie Elliott
Plants, People, and Places
The Roles of Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology in Indigenous Peoples' Land Rights in Canada and Beyond
edited by Nancy J. Turner
Daring to Hope
by (author) Rachel Lisogurski & Chana Broder
Transatlantic Upper Canada
Portraits in Literature Land and British-Indigenous Relations
by (author) Kevin Hutchings
A National Project
Syrian Refugee Resettlement in Canada
edited by Leah K. Hamilton, Luisa Veronis & Margaret Walton-Roberts
Trump, Twitter & The Law
by (author) Burshtein Sheldon
The People's Health
Health Intervention and Delivery in Mao's China 1949-1983
by (author) Xun Zhou
Landscapes of Injustice
A New Perspective on the Internment and Dispossession of Japanese Canadians
edited by Jordan Stanger-Ross
My Vancouver Dance History
Story Movement Community
by (author) Peter Dickinson
The Future of Action Research in Education
A Canadian Perspective
edited by Kurt W. Clausen & Glenda Black
La valeur des informations
Ressorts et contraintes du marché des idées
by (author) Bertrand Labasse
Éthiques de l’hospitalité, du don et du care
Actualité, regards croisés
edited by
Sophie Bourgault, Sophie Cloutier & Stéphanie Gaudet
contributions by
Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, Fabienne Brugère, Merridee Bujaki, Dominique Hétu, Alain Loute, Isabelle Marchand, Elena Pulcini, Marie-Andrée Ricard, Patrick Schuchter, Joan Stavo-Debauge, Stéphane Vibert & Luc Vigneault
Avant Desire
A Nicole Brossard Reader
by (author)
Nicole Brossard
edited by
Sina Queyras, Geneviève Robichaud & Erin Wunker
The Neptune Room
by (author)
Bertrand Laverdure
translated by
Oana Avasilichioaei
by (author)
D.A. Mishani
translated by
Jessica Cohen
Not My Fate
The Story of a Nisga'a Survivor
by (author) Janet Romain
Brontë: The World Without
by (author) Jordi Mand
Acha Bacha
by (author)
Bilal Baig
introduction by
Kama La Mackerel
Dirty Birds
by (author) Morgan Murray
A Cry in Unison
by (author) Judy Cohen
Our Hearts Are as One Fire
An Ojibway-Anishinabe Vision for the Future
by (author) Jerry Fontaine
A Boy and His Soul
by (author) John Graham-Pole
Protectors of the Planet
Environmental Trailblazers from 7 to 97
by (author) Jamie Bastedo
La transparence en communication
Une clé théorique et pratique pour la réussite
by (author) Marcel Chartrand
La vague nationale des années 1968
Une comparaison internationale
edited by
Tudi Kernalegenn, Joel Belliveau & Jean-Olivier Roy
contributions by
Maria Ackrén, Thierry Dominici, Gary Foley, Andrea Geniola, Clause Hauser, Richard Hill, Edina Howell, Nathalie Kermoal, Gilles Leydier, Yan Lespoux, Philippe Martel, Carlo Pala, Daniel Poitras & Xosé M. Nuñez Seixas