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by (author)
Lisa Moore
read by
Mary Lewis

by (author)
Lisa Moore
read by
Mary Lewis

Una Huna?: What Is This?
by (author)
Susan Aglukark
illustrated by
Danny Christopher & Amiel Sandland

What's My Superpower?
by (author)
Aviaq Johnston
illustrated by
Tim Mack

Edible and Medicinal Flora of the West Coast
British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest
by (author) Collin Varner

The Walrus and the Caribou
by (author)
Maika Harper
illustrated by
Marcus Cutler

Law and Neurodiversity
Youth with Autism and the Juvenile Justice Systems in Canada and the United States
by (author) Dana Lee Baker, Laurie A. Drapela & Whitney Littlefield

Inalienable Properties
The Political Economy of Indigenous Land Reform
by (author) Jamie Baxter

A Quiet Roar
Living with Multiple Sclerosis
by (author) Heidi Redl

Canada's Legal Pasts
Looking Foreward, Looking Back
edited by
Lyndsay Campbell, Ted McCoy & Melanie Methot
contributions by
Nick Austin, Eric H. Reiter, Christopher Shorey, Angela Fernandez, Catharine MacMillan, Alexandra Havrylyshyn, Jean-Phillipe Garneau, Shelley A.M. Gavigan, Dominique Clément & Louis A. Knafla

Rolling Thunder
by (author) A.J. Devlin

The Kissing Fence
by (author) B.A. Thomas-Peter

Fern and Horn
illustrated by Marie-Louise Gay

Any Questions?
illustrated by Marie-Louise Gay

narrator Catherine Owen

The Flaw in the Stone
The Alchemists’ Council, Book 2
by (author)
Cynthea Masson
Sharon Taylor

Old Man’s Garden
The History and Lore of Southern Alberta Wildflowers
by (author)
Annora Brown
introduction by
Mary-Beth Laviolette
foreword by
Niitsítapi (Siksika) Bishop Sidney Black

Sweetest Kulu
by (author)
Celina Kalluk
illustrated by
Alexandria Neonakis

Sick of the System
Why the COVID-19 Recovery Must Be Revolutionary
contributions by James T. Brophy, nicole marie burton, John Clarke, Anita Girvan, Harry Glasbeek, Hugh D.A. Goldring, Dallas Hunt, Andrew Jackson, Emma Jackson, El Jones, Margaret M. Keith, Gary Kinsman, Julie S. Lalonde, Wayne Lewchuk, Robyn Maynard, Jane E. McArthur, Alexander McClelland, Karen Messing, Justin Piché, Elaine Power, Gina Starblanket, Jamie Swift, Richard Swift, Kai Cheng Thom & Alberto Toscano

Enjeux criminologiques contemporains
Au-delà de l’insécurité et de l’exclusion
edited by
Carolyn Côté-Lussier, David Moffette & Justin Piché
contributions by
Christophe Adam, Joanne Cardinal, Jean-François Cauchie, Simon Corneau, Patrice Corriveau, Isabelle Côté, Michèle Diotte, Richard Dube, Martin Dufresne, Sandrine Ferron-Ouellet, Nicolas Fischer, Claudia Fradette, Sylvie Frigon, Eduardo González Castillo, Martin Goyette, Claire Jenny, Sandra Lehalle, Philippe Mary, Linda Michel, Geneviève Nault, Isabelle Perrault, Bastien Quirion, Dominique Robert, Patrick Savoie, Héloïse Tracqui & Alexis Hieu Truong

The Grazia dei Rossi Trilogy Bundle
The Secret Book of Grazia dei Rossi (Book 1), The Legacy of Grazia dei Rossi (Book 2), Son of Two Fathers (Book 3)
by (author)
Jacqueline Park
Gilbert Reid

You Are Not What We Expected
by (author) Sidura Ludwig

The MacNeice Mysteries Ebook Bundle 1
Erasing Memory (Book 1), The Ambitious City (Book 2), and Raw Bone (Book 3)
by (author) Scott Thornley

The Fabian Risk Series eBook Bundle
Victim Without a Face (Book 1), The Ninth Grave (Book 2), Eighteen Below (Book 3)
by (author)
Stefan Ahnhem
translated by
Rachel Willson-Broyles & Paul Norlen

Weekend Dad
by (author)
Naseem Hrab
illustrated by
Frank Viva

by (author) Anne Simpson

Where Are You, Agnes?
by (author)
Tessa McWatt
illustrated by
Zuzanna Celej

illustrated by Natalie Nelson

Mi amiga
by (author)
Elisa Amado
illustrated by
Alfonso Ruano

The Liars
by (author) Ida Linehan Young

The Liars
by (author) Ida Linehan Young

Music for Tigers
by (author) Michelle Kadarusman