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Left Transnationalism

The Communist International and the National, Colonial, and Racial Questions

edited by Oleksa Drachewych & Ian McKay

The First Century of the International Joint Commission

edited by Murray Clamen
contributions by Daniel Macfarlane, Jamie Benidickson, Norman Brandson, Meredith Denning, Frank Ettawageshik, Tim Heinmiller, Noah Hall, Carolyn Johns, James Kenny, John Kirton, Gail Krantberg, Richard Moy, Emma Norman, Kim Richard Nossal, Jon O’Riordan, Allen Olson, Raph Pentland, Jennifer Read, A. Dan Tarlock, Owen Temby, Deborah L. VanNijnatten, Marcia Valiante, Brittaney Warren, David Whorley & Ted R. Yuzyk

Reconceptualizing Teacher Education

A Canadian Contribution to a Global Challenge

edited by Anne Phelan, William Pinar, Nicholas Ng-A-Fook & Ruth Kane

Cry Wolf

Inquest into the True Nature of a Predator

by (author) Harold R. Johnson

Fairy Dells & Rustic Bowers

by (author) Joseph, M.A. Ballard

A.B. Simpson and the Making of Modern Evangelicalism

by (author) Daryn Henry

Home Feelings

Liberal Citizenship and the Canadian Reading Camp Movement

by (author) Jody Mason

A Woman in Engineering

Memoirs of a Trailblazer. An Autobiography by Monique (Aubry) Frize

by (author) Monique Frize

A Dog Pissing at the Edge of a Path

Animal Metaphors in an Eastern Indonesian Society

by (author) Gregory Forth

Kisimi Taimaippaktut Angirrarijarani / Only in My Hometown

by (author) Angnakuluk Friesen
illustrated by Ippiksaut Friesen
translated by Jean Kusugak

Place-Making in the Pretty Harbour

The Archaeology of Port Joli, Nova Scotia

by (author) Matthew Betts

The Fiddlehead Moment

Pioneering an Alternative Canadian Modernism in New Brunswick

by (author) Tony Tremblay

Michel Bastarache

Ce que je voudrais dire à mes enfants

by (author) Michel Bastarache & Antoine Trépanier

Sweetest Kulu

by (author) Celina Kalluk
illustrated by Alexandria Neonakis

Lord Nelson Tavern

by (author) Ray Smith
narrator Daniel MacIvor

A Potato on a Bike Read-Along

by (author) Elise Gravel
read by Kelly Nakatsuka

La laisse du tigre

F(r)ictions humanimales en Amérique du Nord

by (author) David Jaclin

Leo Tolstoy and the Canadian Doukhobors

A Study in Historic Relationships. Expanded and Revised Edition

by (author) Andrew Donskov


PrEP: Pedagogy, and the Politics of Barebacking

edited by Ricky Varghese
afterword by Tim Dean

The Better Tree Fort

by (author) Jessica Scott Kerrin
illustrated by Qin Leng

I'm Glad That You're Happy

illustrated by Nahid Kazemi


by (author) Nicola Campbell
illustrated by Kim LaFave

The Triumphant Tale of the House Sparrow

illustrated by Jan Thornhill

Auntie Luce’s Talking Paintings

by (author) Francie Latour
illustrated by Ken Daley

Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox

illustrated by Danielle Daniel

The Lion's Cub - Le lionceau

Canada and the Great War - Le Canada et la Grande Guerre

by (author) Margaret MacMillan
afterword by Edward MacDonald
introduction by Wade MacLauchlan

Africa's Gene Revolution

Genetically Modified Crops and the Future of African Agriculture

by (author) Matthew A. Schnurr

Mes conversations avec Claude

by (author) Robert Major

Separate but Unequal

How Parallelist Ideology Conceals Indigenous Dependency

by (author) Frances Widdowson

Nakón-I'a wo!: Beginning Nakoda

edited by Vincent Collette
with Armand McArthur & Wilma Kennedy

The Truth About Facts

by (author) Bart Vautour

Almost Feral

by (author) Gemma Hickey

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