Refine your selections:
Refine your selectionsPromise and Challenge of Party Primary Elections
A Comparative Perspective
by (author) William P. Cross, Ofer Kenig, Scott Pruysers & Gideon Rahat
Happiness is a Rare Bird
Living the Birding Life
by (author) Gene Walz
Remembered in Bronze and Stone
Canada's Great War Memorial Statuary
by (author) Alan Livingstone MacLeod
From the Iron House
Imprisonment in First Nations Writing
by (author) Deena Rymhs
Aqua Vitae
A History of the Saloons and Hotel Bars of Victoria, 1851-1917
by (author) Glen A. Mofford
A Victorian Nova Scotia Christmas
by (author) Molly Simmons
by (author) Paul Litt
Creating Criminals
edited by George Pavlich & Matthew P. Unger
Science of the Seance
Transnational Networks and Gendered Bodies in the Study of Psychic Phenomena, 1918-40
by (author) Beth A. Robertson
Surviving the Gulag
A German Woman’s Memoir
by (author)
Ilse Johansen
edited by
Heather Marshall
The Global Refugee Crisis: How Should We Respond?
The Munk Debates
by (author) Louise Arbour, Simon Schama, Nigel Farage & Mark Steyn
The Ninth Grave
by (author) Stefan Ahnhem
Paris Undressed
The Secrets of French Lingerie
by (author)
Kathryn Kemp-Griffin
illustrated by
Paloma Casile
The Chief Scientist's Recollections of the American North Pole Expedition, 1871-73
original author
Emil Bessels
edited and translated by
William Barr
Border Flows
A Century of the Canadian-American Water Relationship
edited by Lynne Heasley & Daniel Macfarlane
Parcours jeunes et FLS
Activités pédagogiques en français langue seconde, niveau B2 – C1 du CECR
by (author) Laura Ambrosio & Miriam Hatabi
Un historien dans la cité
Gaétan Gervais et l’Ontario français
by (author) François-Olivier Dorais
Learning and Teaching Together
Weaving Indigenous Ways of Knowing into Education
by (author) Michele T.D. Tanaka
Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars
A Dangerous Trans Girl's Confabulous Memoir
by (author) Kai Cheng Thom
Parables, Prayers, & Promises
Daily Devotions on Jesus
by (author)
Martha Martin
foreword by
Alydia Smith
appendix by
Trisha Elliott
Building a Collaborative Advantage
Network Governance and Homelessness Policy-Making in Canada
by (author) Carey Doberstein
Le poisson orange
translated by
Benoit Léger
by (author)
Carol Shields
Haircuts by Children, and Other Evidence for a New Social Contract
by (author) Darren O'Donnell
In on the Great Joke
by (author) Laura Broadbent
Translation and Translating in German Studies
A Festschrift for Raleigh Whitinger
edited by John L. Plews & Diana Spokiene
Seeking Order in Anarchy
Multilateralism as State Strategy
edited by Robert W. Murray
Canada's Forgotten Heroes
by (author) John Mellor
The Rex Zero Series Bundle
by (author) Tim Wynne-Jones
The Brian Doyle Essentials Bundle
by (author) Brian Doyle
The Brian Doyle Up to Low Bundle
by (author) Brian Doyle
The Brian Doyle Spud Sweetgrass Bundle
by (author) Brian Doyle
Capturing Hill 70
Canada’s Forgotten Battle of the First World War
edited by Douglas E. Delaney & Serge Marc Durflinger