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Résistances, mobilisations et contestations
L’Association canadienne-française de l’Ontario (1910-2006)
edited by
Michel Bock & Yves Frenette
contributions by
Gratien Allaire, Serge Dupuis, Mariève Forest, Anne Gilbert & Marcel Martel

Le ministère des Affaires extérieures du Canada
Volume II : L’essor, 1946-1968
edited by
Michel Bock & Yves Frenette
contributions by
Gratien Allaire, Serge Dupuis, Mariève Forest, Anne Gilbert & Marcel Martel

La démocratie au Canada
L'effritement de nos institutions
by (author) Donald J. Savoie

J’ai le cœur rempli de bonheur / sâ kask inêw nitêh miy wêyi htamowin ohci
by (author)
Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by
Julie Flett
translated by
Rachel Martinez, Mary Cardinal Collins & Cree Literacy Network

Performing Turtle Island
Indigenous Theatre on the World Stage
edited by Jesse Rae Archibald-Barber, Kathleen Irwin & Moira J. Day

The Envy of Paradise
by (author) Jocelyn Cullity

Call Down the Thunder
A Crime Novel
by (author) Dietrich Kalteis

Releasing Hope
Women's Stories of Transition from Prison to Community
edited by Ruth Elwood Martin & Mo Korchinkski

A Potato on a Bike
by (author) Elise Gravel

A Roll of the Bones
by (author) Trudy J. Morgan-Cole

Lila and the Crow
by (author) Gabrielle Grimard

Shape Your Eyes by Shutting Them
by (author) Mark A. McCutcheon

Northeastern Ontario's Military Past, Volume 2, World War II - Peacekeeping
by (author) Dieter K. Buse & Graeme Mount

The Call of the Rift: Veil
by (author) Jae Waller

The Oracle of Cumae
by (author) Melissa Hardy

Scripting Feminist Ethics in Teacher Education
by (author) Michelle Forrest & Linda Wheeldon

Those Who Run in the Sky
by (author)
Aviaq Johnston
illustrated by
Toma Feizo Gas

Whimsy State
or The Principality of Outer Baldonia
by (author) A.J. Demers

Angry Queer Somali Boy
A Complicated Memoir
by (author) Mohamed Abdulkarim Ali

The Forest City Killer
A Serial Murderer, a Cold-Case Sleuth, and a Search for Justice
by (author) Vanessa Brown

Watching You Without Me
by (author) Lynn Coady

My Friend
by (author)
Elisa Amado
illustrated by
Alfonso Ruano

The Inquirer
by (author) Jaclyn Dawn

Ducks Redux
Fueling Flames in Oil Land
by (author)
Shyba LM & Evans CD
illustrated by
Théroux Rich

Man and Dog
Through the Newfoundland Wilderness
by (author) Justin Barbour

Un tableau d'Adam Miller
by (author) Clarence Epstein, François-Marc Gagnon, Donald Kuspit & Alexandre Turgeon

by (author)
Olivier Dufault
translated by
Pablo Strauss

The Brilliant Dark
The Realms of Ancient, Book 3
by (author) S.M. Beiko

Midlife Action Figure
by (author) Chris Banks

The Realms of Ancient Collection
by (author) S.M. Beiko

Summer Days Fall Days
by (author)
Kate Colley
illustrated by
Dale Nigel Goble

La maison aux lilas
by (author) Maurice Henrie