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The Place
by (author) Gary Collins

A Grandmother Named Love
by (author) A. Compton

The Gang of Four
by (author) Sheila Kindellan-Sheehan

Vulgar Mechanics
by (author) K.B. Thors

Our Big Little Place
by (author)
James A. Conan
illustrated by
Nicolle Lalonde

by (author)
Mireille Messier
illustrated by
Irene Luxbacher

This Has Nothing To Do With You
by (author) Lauren Carter

The Hungry Feast Dish
by (author) Joseph A. Dandurand

Lucy joue au basketball
by (author)
Lisa Bowes
illustrated by
James Hearne
translated by
Rachel Martinez

Devil in the Woods
by (author) D.A. Lockhart

Moments of Crisis
Religion and National Identity in Québec
by (author) Ian A. Morrison

Gold Rush Ghost Towns of Nova Scotia
by (author) Mike Parker

A Song for China
illustrated by Ange Zhang

Awakening My Heart
Essays, Articles and Interviews on the Buddist Life
by (author) Andrea Miller

My Story Starts Here
Voices of Young Offenders
by (author) Deborah Ellis

Innovating South-South Cooperation
Policies, Challenges and Prospects
edited by
Hany Gamil Besada, M. Evren Tok & Leah McMillan Polonenko
contributions by
Manmohan Agarwal, Karin Costa Vazquez, Cristina D’Alessandro, Arjan de Haan, Barassou Diawara, Natasha Fernando, Ariane Goetz, Andrew Grant, Kobena Hanson, Christina Sandra Lengfelder, Ward Warmerdam, Karolina Werner, Aylin Yardimci, Ajarat Bada & Simon Mevel

Town Is by the Sea
by (author)
Joanne Schwartz
illustrated by
Sydney Smith

In My Own Moccasins
A Memoir of Resilience
by (author) Helen Knott

The Ranger
illustrated by Nancy Vo

Owen at the Park
illustrated by Scot Ritchie

The Playgrounds of Babel
by (author)
JonArno Lawson
illustrated by
Piet Grobler

Aunt Pearl
by (author)
Monica Kulling
illustrated by
Irene Luxbacher

The Art Room
Drawing and Painting with Emily Carr
by (author)
Susan Vande Griek
illustrated by
Pascal Milelli

The Promise Basket
by (author)
Bill Richardson
illustrated by
Slavka Kolesar

La Confédération, 1864-1999
nouvelles perspectives
edited by
Daniel Heidt
edited and translated by
Colin M. Coates
translated by
Kim Poti, Daniel Poitras & Philippe Thompson
contributions by
Marcel Martel, Maxime Gohier, J.R. Miller, Colin Coates, Martin Pâquet, Phillip Buckner, Robert Wardhaugh, Barry Ferguson, Patricia Roy, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Ken S. Coates, Bill Waiser, Raymond B. Blake & Andre Legare

Bahia's Independence
Popular Politics and Patriotic Festival in Salvador, Brazil, 1824-1900
by (author) Hendrik Kraay

Wolverine and Little Thunder
A Story of the First Canoe
by (author) Alan Syliboy

Donc je suis
by (author)
Maurice Henrie
read by
Étienne Panet-Raymond

Le Complexe d’Hermès
Regards philosophiques sur la traduction
read by Charles Le Blanc

My Life
by (author)
Sofia Andreevna Tolstaya
edited by
Andrew Donskov
translated by
John Woodsworth & Arkadi Klioutchanski
read by
Ann Sanders

Questions ultimes
by (author)
Thomas Koninck
read by
Étienne Panet-Raymond

The Subversive Evangelical
The Ironic Charisma of an Irreligious Megachurch
by (author) Peter J. Schuurman