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by (author) Susan E. Lloy

Q & A
by (author) Adrienne Gruber

The Death of Annie the Water Witcher by Lightning
by (author) Audrey J. Whitson

The Melting Queen
by (author) Bruce Cinnamon

The Empire on the Western Front
The British 62nd and Canadian 4th Divisions in Battle
by (author) Geoffrey Jackson

The Mostly True Story of Pudding Tat, Adventuring Cat
by (author)
Caroline Adderson
illustrated by
Stacy Innerst

A Canadian in the French Foreign Legion
by (author)
Joel Adam Struthers
foreword by
Benoit Desmeulles

"Without fear and with a manly heart"
The Great War Letters and Diaries of Private James Herbert Gibson
edited by
L. Iris Newbold & K. Bruce Newbold
Evelyn A. Walters & Mark G. Walters

Moving Images of Eternity
George Grant’s Critique of Time, Teaching, and Technology
by (author) William F. Pinar

L'Église et la politique québécoise, de Taschereau à Duplessis
by (author) Alexandre Dumas

Entryways to Criminal Justice
Accusation and Criminalization in Canada
edited by George Pavlich & Matthew P. Unger

Trauma, Story, and Indigenous Healing
by (author) Suzanne Methot

Le bateau magique
by (author)
Kit Pearson & Katherine Farris
illustrated by
Gabrielle Grimard
translated by
Rachel Martinez

Assembling Unity
Indigenous Politics, Gender, and the Union of BC Indian Chiefs
by (author) Sarah A. Nickel

Masters of Silence
by (author) Kathy Kacer

Pride Colors
by (author) Robin Stevenson

Pride Colors Read-Along
by (author)
Robin Stevenson
read by
Heather Gould

Canada’s Official Languages
Policy Versus Work Practice in the Federal Public Service
by (author) Helaina Gaspard

The Sound and the Glory
How the Seattle Sounders Showed Major League Soccer How to Win Over America
by (author) Matt Pentz

Le Silence se glisse près de toi
by (author)
Alison Hughes
illustrated by
Ninon Pelletier

Réfléchir sur notre passé pour aborder notre avenir
Une initiative du Sénat pour le Canada
edited by Serge Joyal & Judith Seidman

When I Found Grandma
by (author)
Saumiya Balasubramaniam
illustrated by
Qin Leng

Climbing Shadows
Poems for Children
by (author)
Shannon Bramer
illustrated by
Cindy Derby

Planification de formations en santé
Guide des bonnes pratiques
by (author)
Pierre Jean
Jeanne Drouin & Jean Roy

A Plan for Pops Read-Along
by (author)
Heather Smith
illustrated by
Brooke Kerrigan
read by
Christian Down

A Plan for Pops
by (author)
Heather Smith
illustrated by
Brooke Kerrigan

A Plan for Pops
by (author)
Heather Smith
illustrated by
Brooke Kerrigan
read by
Christian Down

Une idée pour Papi
by (author)
Heather Smith
illustrated by
Brooke Kerrigan
translated by
Rachel Martinez

Clearing the Plains NEW EDITION
Disease, Politics of Starvation, and the Loss of Indigenous Life
by (author)
James Daschuk
foreword by
Elizabeth A. Fenn

Genre, patrimoine et droit civil
Les femmes mariées de la bourgeoisie québécoise en procès, 1900-1930
by (author) Thierry Nootens

by (author) Alexis Koetting

Environment in the Courtroom
edited by
Alan Ingleson
contributions by
Paul Adams, Natasha Affolder, Andrea C. Akelaitis, Karina Barker, Peter Boxall, Giorilyn Bruno, James Bunting, Cindy Chiasson, John S.G. Clark, John D. Cliffe, Lynda Collins, Jack D. Coop, Charles-Emmanuel Cote, Peter Craig, Adam Driedzic, Erin Eacott, Jennifer Fairfax, James D. Flagal, Shaun Fluker, Hadley Friedland, Paule Halley, Charles Hatt, Brenda Heelan Powell, Nicholas R. Hughes, Alex Ikejiani, Asha James, Meredith James, Albert Koehl, David Laidlaw, Jonathan Leo, Gary A. Letcher, Alastair Lucas, Fred Maefs, Sharon Mascher, Marc McAree, Heather McCready, Paul McCulloch, Heather McLeod-Kilmurray, Susan McRory, Danielle Meuleman, Rebecca Moore, Rod Northey, Terri-Lee Oleniuk, Martin Olszynski, Katia Opalka, Jean Piette, Sarah Powell, Phillip Saunders, Monika A. Sawicka, Dianne Saxe, Cheryl Sharvit, Anand Srivastava, Barry Stuart, John Swaigen, Chris Tollefson, Ronda M. Vanderhoek, Nickie Nikolaou, Michael Wenig, Robert Woon & Josephine Yam