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Bob Silverman
The Impossible Hero
by (author) John Symon & Stéphane Desjardins

The Xenotext: Book 2
by (author) Christian Bök

Gillean Daffern’s Kananaskis Country Trail Guide – 5th Edition: Volume 2 – West Bragg—The Elbow—The Jumpingpound
West Bragg, The Elbow, The Jumpingpound
by (author) Gillean Daffern

Family Walks and Hikes of Vancouver Island — Revised Edition: Volume 2 — Nanaimo North to Strathcona Park
by (author) Theo Dombrowski

Love and War Western Style
by (author) Rose Scollard

A Hug on the Wind
by (author)
Robin Stevenson
illustrated by
Kristina Jones

Laisse un bel héritage
by (author)
Leona Prince & Gabrielle Prince
illustrated by
Carla Joseph
translated by
Rachel Martinez

Une maison solide
by (author)
Katrina Chen & Elaine Su
illustrated by
Delphie Côté-Lacroix
translated by
Rachel Martinez

Repenser l’Acadie dans le monde
Études comparées, études transnationales
edited by Clint Bruce & Gregory M.W. Kennedy

Une écriture en mouvement : les correspondances d'écrivains francophones au Canada
edited by
Stéphanie Bernier & Michel Biron
series edited by
Lucie Hotte & Claudia Bouliane
contributions by
Lucie Bartlett-Jeffrey, Louis-Serge Gill, Jonathan Livernois, Pierre Hébert, Adrien Rannaud, Nathalie Watteyne, Mylène Bédard, Sophie Marcotte, Gilles Lapointe, François Maltais, Susan Margaret Murphy, Yvan Lamonde, François Dumont, Ariane Brun del Re, Pénélope Cormier, Marie-Hélène Jeannotte, Benoît Melançon & Cassandre Huchon

The Year of Fire
by (author)
Teddy Jam
illustrated by
Ian Wallace

Pochsy IV: Unplugged
by (author) Karen Hines

Femme Ormeau
by (author)
Teoni Spathelfer
translated by
Nicole Laurendeau
illustrated by
Natassia Davies

Corbeau Blanc
by (author)
Teoni Spathelfer
translated by
Nicole Laurendeau
illustrated by
Natassia Davies

Petit Loup
by (author)
Teoni Spathelfer
translated by
Nicole Laurendeau
illustrated by
Natassia Davies

The Culture Box
Museums as Media
by (author)
Harley Parker
edited by
Gary Genosko

Carlito's Butterfly / La mariposa de Carlito
by (author)
Angèle Delaunois
illustrated by
Augusto Mora
translated by
Ann Marie Boulanger & Patricia Bendito Gordon

A Menopause Symptomology
by (author) Susan Holbrook

Sometimes I Eat with My Hands
illustrated by Kid Haile

Dark Chapters
Reading the Still Lives of David Garneau
curated by
Arin Fay
edited by
Nic Wilson
by (artist)
David Garneau

Staying Alive
The Go-To Guide for Houseplants
by (author) Janet Melrose & Sheryl Normandeau

Vestiges de guerre
Récits de femmes canadiennes en temps de conflit, 1914-1945
by (author)
Stacey Barker, Krista Cooke & Molly McCullough
series edited by
Pierre Desrosiers

Bibliothèques et archives dans les communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire
Enjeux et devenir
contributions by
Alain Roy, Lucie Hotte, Hélène Carrier, Nadia Caidi, Céline Gareau-Brennan, Catherine Lachaîne, Lorraine O’Donnell, Martin Pâquet, Richard A. Russo, Sarah Shaughnessy & Raymond Théberge
edited by
Linda Savoie
series edited by
Pierre Anctil

One Foot on the Platform
A Rock 'N' Roll Journey
by (author)
Peter Goddard
edited by
J.A. Wainwright

The Anxious Exile of Sara Salt
by (author) Gabrielle Prendergast

Mouvance et espérance
by (author) Jean-Louis Grosmaire

Romancing History?
Wayne Johnston and “The Colony of Unrequited Dreams”
by (author) Stan Dragland

Year of the Carrot
by (author) Madeleine Hart

Shy Me
by (author)
Sandra V. Feder
illustrated by
Ashley Barron

by (author)
Laurel Croza
illustrated by
Matt James

The One and Only Question
by (author)
Norma Charles & Andrea Charles
illustrated by
Ken Daley

Digital Memory Agents in Canada
Performance, Representation, and Culture
edited by Matthew Cormier & Amanda Spallacci