Browse Books in History
Time and a Place
An Environmental History of Prince Edward Island
God's Province
Evangelical Christianity, Political Thought, and Conservatism in Alberta
The League of the Star
In Fragile Moments / The Last Time
Inside the Walls
Simon Spatz
From Holocaust to Halifax, A Story of Survival and Success
Holy War
Cowboys, Indians, and 9/11s
The Iconic North
Cultural Constructions of Aboriginal Life in Postwar Canada
Come 'n' Get It
Roundup Recipes from Ranch Country
The Seven Oaks Reader
War-Torn Exchanges
The Lives and Letters of Nursing Sisters Laura Holland and Mildred Forbes
Island in an Empire
Education, Religion, and Social Life in Newfoundland, 1800-1855
From Kinshasa to Kandahar
Canada and Fragile States in Historical Perspective
A Culture's Catalyst
Historical Encounters with Peyote and the Native American Church in Canada
Thrashing Seasons
Sporting Culture in Manitoba and the Genesis of Prairie Wrestling
Educating the Neglected Majority
The Struggle for Agricultural and Technical Education in Nineteenth-Century Ontario and Quebec
Beating against the Wind
Popular Opposition to Bishop Feild and Tractarianism in Newfoundland and Labrador
Guerrilla Aesthetics
Art, Memory, and the West German Urban Guerrilla
Distributing Status
The Evolution of State Honours in Western Europe
Body or the Soul?
Religion and Culture in a Quebec Parish, 1736-1901
Illustrated History of Canada's Native People, Fourth Edition
I Have Lived Here Since the World Began
Great Fortune Dream
The Struggles and Triumphs of Chinese Settlers in Canada, 1858-19966
Let Them Stay
U.S. War Resisters in Canada, 2004-2016
Settler Anxiety at the Outposts of Empire
Colonial Relations, Humanitarian Discourses, and the Imperial Press