Browse Books in History
Chasing the Dragon in Shanghai
Canada’s Early Relations with China, 1858-1952
People of the Fur Trade
From Native Trappers to Chief Factors
Jewels of the Qila
The Remarkable Story of an Indo-Canadian Family
The Man Who was Hanged by a Thread
and Other Tales from BC’s First Lawmen
Canada and the Changing Arctic
Sovereignty, Security, and Stewardship
Steel Cavalry
The 8th (New Brunswick) Hussars and the Italian Campaign
Cold War Fighters
Canadian Aircraft Procurement, 1945-54
The United Church of Canada
A History
Florence Nightingale on Wars and the War Office
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 15
People of the Sea
Who Killed Janet Smith?
Elusive Destiny
The Political Vocation of John Napier Turner
Writing the Revolution
Hearts and Minds
Canadian Romance at the Dawn of the Modern Era, 1900-1930
Telling it to the Judge
Taking Native History to Court
Imaginary Line
Life on an Unfinished Border
Nature and Nurture in French Social Sciences, 1859–1914 and Beyond
The Hunt for Lord Cyric
White Slaves of Maquinna
John R. Jewitt's Narrative of Capture and Confinement at Nootka
Riding Into War
The Memoir of a Horse Transport Driver, 1916-1919
Hurricane Pilot
The Wartime Letters of W.O. Harry L. Gill, D.F.M., 1940-1943
Trimming Yankee Sails
Pirates and Privateers of New Brunswick
The Bitter Harvest of War
New Brunswick and the Conscription Crisis of 1917
War on the Home Front
The Farm Diaries of Daniel MacMillan, 1914-1927