Browse Books in History
Florida's Snowbirds
Spectacle, Mobility, and Community since 1945
No-Nonsense Guide to World History, 3rd edition
Nooksack Place Names
Geography, Culture, and Language
On to Civvy Street
Canada's Rehabilitation Program for Veterans of the Second World War
The Mad Trapper
Unearthing a Mystery
Carving the Western Path
Routes to Remember
Ireland, Sweden, and the Great European Migration, 1815-1914
An Illustrated History of Canada's Native People
I Have Lived Here Since the World Began
The Lost Lemon Mine
An Unsolved Mystery of the Old West
The Re-invention of the European Radical Right
Populism, Regionalism, and the Italian Lega Nord
A National Crime
The Canadian Government and the Residential School System
Westward Bound
Sex, Violence, the Law, and the Making of a Settler Society
Barr'd Islands
From English Roots
Bay Roberts
Not Your Typical Small Town
Bell Island
Dawn of First Light
Between the Queen and the Cabby
Olympe de Gouges's Rights of Woman
Congo Solo
Misadventures Two Degrees North
Mennonite Women in Canada
A History
Mennonites, Politics, and Peoplehood
1525 to 1980
Accident of Fate
A Personal Account, 1938–1945
Voyages of Hope
The Saga of the Bride-Ships
Rediscovering the Prairies
Journeys by Dog, Horse, and Canoe
Bright Seas, Pioneer Spirits
A History of the Sunshine Coast
The Dangerous River
Adventure on the Nahanni