Browse Books in Canada
Grillparzer's Libussa
The Tragedy of Separation
Young Man's Benefit
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Sickness Insurance in the United States and Canada, 1860-1929
Stefansson and the Canadian Arctic
Working People, Fifth Edition
An Illustrated History of the Canadian Labour Movement
The Spirit of the Alberta Indian Treaties
Third Edition
Les Immigrants préférés
Les Belges
Meta Incognita: a discourse of discovery - volume 2
Martin Frobisher's Arctic expeditions, 1576-1578
Meta Incognita: a discourse of discovery - volume 1
Martin Frobisher's Arctic expeditions, 1576-1578
Images of Canadianness
Visions on Canada's Politics, Culture, and Economics
With Scarcely a Ripple
Anglo-Canadian Migration into the United States and Western Canada, 1880-1920
Gaullist Attack on Canada, 1967-1997
Family Names of the Island of Newfoundland
Corrected Edition
In Armageddon's Shadow
The Civil War and Canada's Maritime Provinces
Women Overseas
Memoirs of the Canadian Red Cross Corps
Vingt ans apres, Habitants et marchands
Lectures de l'histoire des XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles canadiens
The Mountie from Dime Novel to Disney
Bureau fédéral de la statistique
Les origines et l'evolution du bureau central de la statistique au Canada, 1841- 1972
Quebec and Its Historians
The Twentieth Century
Excessive Expectations
Maritime Commerce and the Economic Development of Nova Scotia, 1740-1870
Néologie canadienne de Jacques Viger
Manuscrits de 1810
Veterans Charter and Post-World War II Canada
Capturing Women
The Manipulation of Cultural Imagery in Canada's Prairie West
T.A. Crerar
A Political Life
A Meditation on History, Method, and Sumas Lake