Browse Books in Canada
Drum Songs
Glimpses of Dene History
Economics, Enlightenment, and Canadian Nationalism
A Rich Broth
Memoirs of a Canadian Diplomat
Pearson and Canada's Role in Nuclear Disarmament and Arms Control Negotiations, 1945-1957
Canada Among Nations, 1993-94
Global Jeopardy
Bank of Canada/La Banque du Canada
Origines et premieres annees/Origins and Early History
Gentleman In The Outports
Gobineau and Newfoundland
Creed and Culture
The Place of English-Speaking Catholics in Canadian Society, 1750-1930
While the Women Only Wept
Loyalist Refugee Women in Eastern Ontario
Painting the Map Red
Canada and the South African War, 1899-1902
Habitants and Merchants in Seventeenth-Century Montreal
Urban and community development in Atlantic Canada, 1867-1991
Meta Incognita project
Contributions to field studies
God's Peculiar Peoples
Essays on Political Culture in Nineteenth Century Canada
Les Franco-Ontariens
Aux origines de l'identité franco-ontarienne
Éducation, culture, économie
Martin Frobisher's northwest venture, 1576-1581
Mines, minerals and metallurgy
Prairie en Nouvelle-France, 1647-1760
Étude d'histoire sociale
For an Amerindian Autohistory
An Essay on the Foundations of a Social Ethic
Canadian Health Care and the State
A Century of Evolution
Education in New France
Sensitive Independence
Canadian Methodist Women Missionaries in Canada and the Orient, 1881-1925
Christie Seigneuries
Estate Management and Settlement in the Upper Richelieu Valley, 1760-1854
Such Hardworking People
Italian Immigrants in Postwar Toronto