Browse Books in Canada
Québec 1765-1832
L'évolution d'une ville coloniale
A Bibliography of Northern Manitoba
From Outpost to Outport
A Structural Analysis of the Jersey-Gaspé Cod Fishery, 1767-1886
By Loving our Own
George Grant and the Legacy of Lament For a Nation
The Biography of Lady Macdonald
Bridge Built Halfway
A History of Memorial University College, 1925-1950
At Face Value
The Life and Times of Eliza McCormack/John White
Town House, Country House
Recollections of a Quebec Childhood
Battle Exhaustion
Soldiers and Psychiatrists in the Canadian Army, 1939-1945
In Whose Interest?
Quebec's Caisses Populaires, 1900-1945
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Canadian Society
A Guide to the Literature
Two Centuries at Murray Bay
Confrontation at Winnipeg
Labour, Industrial Relations, and the General Strike
Ethnic Demography
Canadian Immigrant, Racial and Cultural Variations
Canada Among Nations, 1989
The Challenge of Change
The Plains Cree
Trade, Diplomacy, and War, 1790 to 1870
Inventing Secondary Education
The Rise of the High School in Nineteenth-Century Ontario
Monuments to Faith
Ukrainian Churches in Manitoba
Upper Ottawa Valley to 1855
Courtship, Love, and Marriage in Nineteenth-Century English Canada
Canada's Department of External Affairs, Volume 1
The Early Years, 1909-1946
Artifacts from "A coat of many colours :two centuries of Jewish life in Canada" / Objets de l'exposition "La tunique aux couleurs multiples : deux siècles de présence juive au Canada"
Tunique aux couleurs multiples
Deux siècles de présence juive au Canada