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Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Margaret Atwood

The Open Eye

edited by John Moss & Tobi Kozakewich

Existentialist Thinkers and Ethics

by (author) Christine Daigle

Lily Lewis

Sketches of a Canadian Journalist: A Biocritical Study

edited by Margaret (Peggy) Martin

Race Riots

Comedy and Ethnicity in Modern British Fiction

by (author) Michael L. Ross

The Art and Science of Stanislaw Lem

by (author) Peter Swirski

Not Needing all the Words

Michael Ondaatje's Literature of Silence

by (author) Annick Hillger

The Force of Vocation

The Literary Career of Adele Wiseman

by (author) Ruth Panofsky

Violence and the Female Imagination

Quebec's Women Writers Re-frame Gender in North American Cultures

by (author) Paula Ruth Gilbert

Suppression of the Erotic in Modern Hebrew Literature

by (author) Nitsa Ben-Ari

Writing between the Lines

Portraits of Canadian Anglophone Translators

edited by Agnes Whitfield

Growing a Race

Nellie L. McClung and the Fiction of Eugenic Feminism

by (author) Cecily Devereux

Ernest Buckler

Rediscovery and Reassessment

by (author) Marta Dvorak

The Postwar Novel in Canada

Narrative Patterns and Reader Response

by (author) Rosmarin Heidenreich
foreword by Linda Hutcheon

The New Republic

A Commentary on Book I of More’s Utopia Showing Its Relation to Plato’s Republic

by (author) Colin Starnes


Regards sur les Essais

by (author) Lane Heller & Felix Atance

Marian Engel’s Notebooks

“Ah, mon cahier, écoute...”

by (author) Christl Verduyn

Counterrealism and Indo-Anglian Fiction

by (author) Chelva Kanaganayakam

Between Worlds

A Study of the Plays of John Webster

by (author) Dena Goldberg

The Educational Legacy of Romanticism

edited by John Willinsky

Locations of the Sacred

Essays on Religion, Literature, and Canadian Culture

by (author) William Closson James

The Retrospective Review (1820-1828) and the Revival of Seventeenth Century Poetry

by (author) Jane Campbell

The Conception of Punishment in Early Indian Literature

by (author) Terence Day

Making Babies

Infants in Canadian Fiction

by (author) Sandra Sabatini

Dante & the Unorthodox

The Aesthetics of Transgression

edited by James Miller

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