Browse Books in Literary Criticism
Chaucer and Language
Essays in Honour of Douglas Wurtele
Rewriting Germany from the Margins
“Other” German Literature of the 1980s and 1990s
The Gothic and Jacques Derrida's Ghost Writing
Russia and Ukraine
Literature and the Discourse of Empire from Napoleonic to Postcolonial Times
Censorship in Canadian Literature
Le Carré's Landscape
Robert Creeley
A Biography
Dystopian Fiction East and West
Universe of Terror and Trial
Robertson Davies
A Mingling of Contrarieties
Living Prism
Itineraries in Comparative Literature
Margaret Laurence
Critical Reflections
Strict Metrical Tradition
Variations in the Literary Iambic Pentameter From Sidney and Spenser to Matthew Arnold
Toward Defining the Prairies
Region, Culture, and History
Buried Astrolabe
Canadian Dramatic Imagination and Western Tradition
The Politics of Translation in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Women and Narrative Identity
Rewriting the Quebec National Text
Distant Relation
Time and Identity in Spanish American Fiction
Stranger Gods
Salman Rushdie's Other Worlds
Changing the Terms
Translating in the Postcolonial Era
Damned Women
Lesbians in French Novel
Between Literature and Science
Poe, Lem and Explorations in Aesthetics, Cognitive Science, and Literary Knowledge
Medieval Arts Doctrines on Ambiguity and Their Places in Langland's Poetics
General Consent in Jane Austen
A Study of Dialogism
Verbal Art
A Philosophy of Literature and Literary Experience