Browse Books in Literary Criticism
Manner of Correspondence
A Study of the Scriblerus Club
Aphorism in the Francophone Novel of the Twentieth Century
Gender and Narrativity
Dialectic of Love
Platonism in Schiller's Aesthetics
The Educated Imagination
Writings by Western Icelandic Women
Jacques Poulin
La création d'un espace amoureux
Deformed Discourse
The Function of the Monster in Mediaeval Thought and Literature
Henri Bergson and British Modernism
Barbarous Dissonance and Images of Voice in Milton's Epics
Polliticke Courtier
Spenser's The Faerie Queene as a Rhetoric of Justice
Graham Greene's Thrillers and the 1930s
Work of Words
The Writing of Susanna Strickland Moodie
Icelandic Voice in Canadian Letters
The Contribution of Icelandic-Canadian Writers to Canadian Literature
Artists in Dylan Thomas's Prose Works
Adam Naming and Aesop Fabling
Our Own Agendas
Autobiographical Essays by Women Associated with McGill University
Rereading Middle English Romance
Manuscript Layout, Decoration, and the Rhetoric of Composite Structure
From Defiant Monarchy to Reluctant Republic
Imagining Culture
New World Narrative and the Writing of Canada
Epic of Qayaq
The Longest Story Ever Told by My People
Mystic Leeway
Federfuchser/Penpusher from Lessing to Grillparzer
A Study Focused on Grillparzer's Ein Bruderzwist in Habsburg
Second Words
Selected Critical Prose 1960–1982
Carlyle and the Economics of Terror
A Study of Revisionary Gothicism in The French Revolution