McGill-Queen's University Press
Books from this publisher
Evangelical Century
College and Creed in English Canada from the Great Revival to the Great Depression
Evangelical Mind
Nathanael Burwash and the Methodist Tradition in Canada, 1839-1918
Evangelicals and the Continental Divide
The Conservative Protestant Subculture in Canada and the United States
Evangelism and Apostasy
The Evolution and Impact of Evangelicals in Modern Mexico
Everyday Sacred
Religion in Contemporary Quebec
Everyone Says No
Public Service Broadcasting and the Failure of Translation
Evolutionary Intuitionism
A Theory of the Origin and Nature of Moral Facts
Ex Uno Plures
Federal-Provincial Relations in Canada, 1867-1896
Examination of the Philosophy of Bacon
Wherein Different Questions of Rational Philosophy Are Treated
Excessive Expectations
Maritime Commerce and the Economic Development of Nova Scotia, 1740-1870
Excluded Wife
Exiles and Islanders
The Irish Settlers of Prince Edward Island
Existentialist Thinkers and Ethics
Expect Miracles
Recollections of a Lucky Life
Expect Miracles
Recollections of a Lucky Life
Expeditions of Honour
The Journal of John Salusbury in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1749-53
Expelling the Plague
The Health Office and the Implementation of Quarantine in Dubrovnik, 1377-1533
Experience and Identity
Birmingham and the West Midlands, 1760-1800
Explorations in Aerospace Law
Selected Essays, 1946-1966
Expo 67 and Its World
Staging the Nation in the Crucible of Globalization
Exporting the Rapture
John Nelson Darby and the Victorian Conquest of North American Evangelicalism
Putting Mind and World Back Together Again
Extractive Industry and the Sustainability of Canada's Arctic Communities
Eyewitness Textures
User-Generated Content and Journalism in the Twenty-First Century
Fabriqué au Canada
Métiers d'art et design dans les années soixante
Faces in the Forest
First Nations Art Created on Living Trees
Faces of Displacement
The Writings of Volodymyr Vynnychenko
Facts of Life
The Social Construction of Vital Statistics, Ontario 1869-1952
Failure of l'Action Libérale Nationale
Failure's Opposite
Listening to A.M. Klein
Faithful Encounters
Authorities and American Missionaries in the Ottoman Empire
Faithful Intellect
Samuel S. Nelles and Victoria University