McGill-Queen's University Press
Books from this publisher
Early Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney, Volume 1
Early Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney, Volume 2
Early Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney, Volume 3
The Streatham Years: Part 1, 1778-1779
Early Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney, Volume 4
The Streatham Years, Part II, 1780-1781
Early Modern Naval Health Care in England, 1650–1750
Early Modern Spectatorship
Interpreting English Culture, 1500-1780
Early Origins of the Social Sciences
Earth Words
Conversing with Three Sages
Earth into Property
Colonization, Decolonization, and Capitalism
Eastward to Empire
Exploration and Conquest on the Russian Open Frontier to 1750
Easy Prey Investors
Why Broken Safety Nets Threaten Your Wealth
Native Roots of Modern Democracy
Eating Like a Mennonite
Food and Community across Borders
Eating the Ocean
Seafood and Consumer Culture in Canada
Reimagining Resistance and the Green Scare
Economic Intelligence and National Security
Economic Theory, Welfare, and the State
Essays in Honour of John C. Weldon
Economic and Social History of Quebec, 1760-1850
Structures and Conjonctures
Economics of Cyprus
A Survey to 1914
Economics of the Canadian Corporate Bond Market
Economics, Enlightenment, and Canadian Nationalism
Ecosystems, Society, and Health
Pathways through Diversity, Convergence, and Integration
Edgar Allan Poe
Rhetoric and Style
Educating the Imagination
Northrop Frye, Past, Present, and Future
Educating the Neglected Majority
The Struggle for Agricultural and Technical Education in Nineteenth-Century Ontario and Quebec
Education and Politics in Africa
The Tanzanian Case
Education as Dialogue
Its Prerequisites and its Enemies
Education in New France
Education of African Canadian Children
Critical Perspectives
Education of a Canadian
My Life as a Scholar and Activist
Eighteenth Century Newfoundland
A Geographer's Perspective